Natalie's WLS Experience

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.....

October 25, 2001 is the date I was scheduled for laparoscopic gastric partitioning with Roux-en-Y. The surgery was performed by Dr. Harry Sax of Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester, New York. I had laparoscopic surgery and was in the operating room for 6 hours. There were no complications postop, and I was only in the hospital for 2 days! This surgery marked a whole new way of life for me and the gradual ascent of ME. I never realized how low my self esteem was before surgery until I found the courage to do the things in my life that would work best for me.
I was overweight-fat-obese for as long as I can remember. I started out as a 9 pound baby, and I know that when I was 8 years old, I weighed 135 pounds, and at 11 when I was about 5' tall I weighed 143 pounds. Attempts at controlling my weight through dieting began when I was about 9 years old and included diet pills (as a child!), 1000 calorie diets, Women's Ski Team Diet (no I wasn't on the team!), Weight Watchers, Diet Workshop, Jenny Craig ad infinitum. I really was a pro at dieting. I always did what I was supposed to do....and I always gained the weight back. It's not from lack of willpower that I am at the weight I am today. Heredity? Honestly, I don't know, I was adopted but I do know that my birthmother was my height and after having 7 children her normal weight was 178 pounds.

UPDATE 8/01/2008: In April of this year I found my birth family. My birth parents passed away in 1981 and 1991, but I still have a lot of siblings. Two of my 3 older sisters are still alive, as are my 3 older brothers, and oldest half brother. I also have 2 younger half sisters. Now I know who I resemble!

My birthmom, September 1960


Height: 5'5"

Age at surgery: 52

Ok, so here is my starting point...I can't believe I am being so brave as to actually include my stats on the web but it's ok...they won't be that way for too long!!

DateWgtBMIBustWaistHipsUp armCalf
10/20/01* 241 lbs40464552
5/23/02 (7 months)161
* Talk about having a square shape!

** I remember when I was 22 years old and started an exercise program my waist was 32 and my hips were 39. Who would believe I am smaller today than I was at 22?

Normal Weight Range = BMI (Body Mass Index) 18.5 to 24.9 or 110-149.5 pounds

To view my before and after photos, click on the

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