Asha's Poll  
Who is your favorite DoE?

Current Results
Welcome to Angel face, the best Nataku fansite ever! In case you just stumbled along, Nataku is a character from CLAMP's X

Here you can find a lot of info about him, his pictures, and some other cool X-related stuff! And don't forget to drop a line in the guestbook.



As you can see, I added a poll and a guest book! Please drop a line there!


I finally fixed the image gallery. No direct linking please!


All the tarot cards are up. From the Fool to the Moon! (Nataku!). The zip files still won't upload.


I'm opening this site, but it's not done yet. Uploading files takes a very long time, so the Image Gallery is not up yet. Also not all the tarot cards are uploaded, and none of the zip files are here yet. For some reason I can't upload them. I will keep trying, don't worry!

But I still hope you like this site. Oh yeah, the I haven't found myself a guestbook yet. There is SO many to choose from!

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