    Here is some of the anime that I've enjoyed over the last few years.  I got into it a long time ago, and I regret the fact that I haven't been able to devote more resources to getting tapes and other memoribilia, but unfortunately that's just the way it goes.  Enjoy what I've put down and I'll see about putting new stuff up as I go along!
                    - Wolf    (last updated March 20, 1999)

     Ranma 1/2 is a martial arts comedy by Rumiko Takahashi. One day, Soun Tendo, owner of the "Tendo's Anything Goes Martial Arts School" calls his 3 daughters in and tells them that one of them is going to be iinazuke (fiancee) to Ranma, the son of his best friend. Soun faints when Ranma arrives and turns out to be a *girl*. 
     It soon turns out that Ranma is really a boy, but he is also the victim of a strange curse from falling into a cursed pool while in training with his father in china. This curse will turn him into a girl when cold water is splashed on him. Hot water returns him to normal. Nabiki and Kasumi immediately elect their younger sister Akane as the iinazuke because "she hates boys and Ranma is only half a boy". Ranma, for his part, doesn't like Akane because she's violent and "not cute". Akane is miffed at Ranma because he beat her in martial arts (Ranma was a  girl then) and shows her feelings by crushing Ranma with a table. A wonderful start to a beautiful relationship.

Fushigi Yuugi

     "This is the story of a girl who gathered the Seven Seishi of Suzaku, and acquired the power to make every wish come true. The story itself is an incantation. Whoever finishes the book shall receive this power. As soon as the page is turned, the story will become the truth and begin..."
     The story has some similar elements to it that the movie, Neverending Story, had in it.  A girl is pulled into a book and lives a wondrous story full of adventure, grief, and romance, amongst other things.  Basically she grows up.  The best way to understand is to go watch it.

Bakuretsu Hunter

    This is about five people known as "Sorceror Hunters" that travel across the Spooner Continent in search of sorcerors using their powers to oppress the people.  The anime has a serious main storyline, but doesn't start to really touch upon it until the end.  For the most part a very humorous series with a cool ending theme.  I highly recommend checking it out!

<--- Finally, please follow Trixie Turnpiketo the Anime Turnpike for more anime!

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