
Ad Placing is a real internet-based business opportunity.
Thousands of companies NEED YOU to reach new customers and they pay you $1 PER REPLY

  Go there for all the details on this program and registration.  
Read further for details of my own experience with both this program and other internet-based business opportunities...


I moved to London a couple of years ago and since then, i had been stuck in dead end jobs - washing dishes, cleaning floors... Not really my idea of a good time! Being rather disappointed with my income (barely able to pay for the rent) and the precarity of my job (always short term positions), i decided to transform my hobby (surfing the Net) into a source of income. That was at the time all the "Get paid to surf" programs were starting... So i joined a few, surfed a lot and got $30 out of them (in a bit more than one year). Rather disappointing in fact...

Business Opportunities

I started to look into all the business opportunities available on the Net (and there are 1000's of them, as you probably know!), but i was still somehow scared of joining any of them, because some of them had had bad press or word of mouth, and besides, everybody knows you can't make money while doing nothing, so why shall i trust all those "get rich quick" programs?

Ad Placing

I then came accross a REAL internet business opportunity - not a "get rich quick" scam. Ad Placing seemed perfect to me, because it doesn't take big marketing skills to realise that advertising is the key to success for most companies now (let's face it, most of them offer similar products and services). What appealed to me was:
1) This business opportunity is based on a real business need - advertising!
2) Therefore it doesn't rely on you trying to rip off other opportunity seekers (like most of the other programs do!)
3) Full training is provided
4) This is something i enjoy doing - surfing the Net to find new interesting sites (where i can place my ads in this case).
5) If you don't like an ad, or a product the ad is for, you don't have to advertise it - so it is a real home business, where you are your own boss and make your own decisions...

So does it work?

I joined this program in December 2000, so this is fairly recent (7 months) and i've already been able to make enough money from it to pay for my February rent. And i am only working on it 10 hours a week (the key is regular hours, i do 2 hours everyday, 5 days a week). I knew my way around the Net before, but i knew nothing about free classifieds sites by example - you don't need specific knowledge, as full training is provided!


I cannot do much more to convince you but keep you updated with what i get from this program - if you are interested, why not join my mailing list and you'll receive monthly e-mails with full details of what i'm earning from AdPlacing.
I am fully enjoying working from home as it gives me a lot of freedom to practice my hobby (music) - i already feel that in 7 months i have already had many more rewards and satisfaction than i have ever had in my whole life!
London, July 15, 2001.

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