One Voice presents...
Samurai Troopers

I, Rekka-chan, bid you welcome! My website focuses on the popular anime and manga series, "Legendary Armor Samurai Troopers" (or if you go by the North American dub, "Ronin Warriors"). Feel free to explore and any questions, comments, and the like may be sent to me at [email protected].

***IMPORTANCE NOTICE AS OF 08/04/02! PLEASE update your bookmarks and links for this site to because I got one of those redirecting URLS. I figure this would be an easier address to remember. Please update, peoples! Thanks!

This site is viewed best at 800x600 resolution.

Last updated on September 30th, 2002!


UPDATES // Samurai Troopers // Fan Fiction // Fan Art // Opinions // Misc. // Links

adoration * toryuki ~ yum yum! shounen-ai ~ samurai // nasty yagyu
guardian angels : kenboukyou ~ Assage--Shu, Anubisu, and Mukara

i support [ project y ]

~Affiliates/Sister Sites~

Sister - Adorable SD Suzunagi! Affiliate - Robin's Cute Shin/Cye banner Sister - Caroline's Sexy Looking Banner

"Legendary Armor Samurai Troopers" is copyright (c) Sunrise, Inc. BANDAI, and all others associated with legal rights. "Ronin Warriors" is copyright (c) Ocean Studios, Graz Entertainment, and BANDAI. Any other series mentioned belong to their respective creators. All images, unless noted, were scanned by ME. Please do not take them without my permission. "One Voice" saw the light of day on 09/04/00.

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