Wrestler's Name: Mark Wilder

Characters Real Name: Mark Wilder

Height: 6'3"

Weight: 230 pounds

Hometown: Vancouver, British Columbia

Age: 25

Birthdate: June 30, 1979

Heel, Face, Neutral: Mega-heel

Physical Appearance: Six feet tall and has short cropped hair. Ring attire: black jeans, black boots...and a gray t-shirt that with a "Wildcard Alliance" logo on the back. He will sometimes wear a black leather jacket with a chrome maple-leaf logo on the back to the ring (usually to carry a concealed weapon).

Gimmick: Mark is pure evil, there's no question about it. However, unlike the sterotypical heel, he doesn't come across as a rampant psychopath who screams and yells at the camera or displays a gazillion tatoos or piercings. He is very calm, cool, and collected when dealing with his enemies. He doesn't trash reporters (in his opinion, anyone who beats up on a reporter obviously has no real skill and can't survive a real fight) and is very cordial when talking to people. However, in the ring, he will deliberately try to injure his opponent and pretty much does whatever it takes to win. If it's someone he really despises, he will try to cripple them in the ring, regardless of the threat of suspension. Mark also likes to specialize in mind games, screwing with the enemy's head in an attempt to piss them off. He's very good at ambushing his opponents and manipulating his enemies into doing things they shouldn't do. He uses misdirection and generally convinces people he's doing one thing when, in fact, he's doing something else. The end result is usually his enemy screaming for Mark's blood after he has severely hurt them. Mark is a strong believer in tactics and generally has two or three back-up plans in case his main plan fails.

Wrestler's History: Not much is known about Mark Wilder's early history, but it is known that he is the cousin of Jakob Wilder and trained at the Wilder family's gym/wrestling school (also known as the Monster Factory) in Vancouver. When he was 20, he entered his first wrestling promotion, the UWF (Don Arden's UWF, not Wheeler's) and impressed everyone by winning the world title. However, he lost the title a few months later when his older brother, Erik Wilder, betrayed him and, along with the other members of WAR (a stable that was giving the UWF a lot of grief) beat him to a bloody pulp. It was later revealed the Erik only pretended to "go bad" so he could infiltrate WAR and destroy it from within, which he did. However, Erik's "betrayal" changed Mark and it wasn't for the better. Mark didn't appreciate being used as a pawn in the schemes of some of his other family members and pretty much broke contact with everyone.

Though some of these facts are sketchy, it is known that Mark spent some more time training and worked a few of the smaller independent companies. But he finally showed up about a year ago in the FWA where he, along with his wife Carmen Tyler, literally tore a bloody swath through the FWA. Gone was the bright-eyed idealistic young rookie from a couple years earlier. Instead, Mark had become the type of wrestler that the Wilder clan had always hated...and it was worse because, having been trained by Jakob, he knew how to use his tactics to devestating effect. He had become a cold and ruthless machine who delighted in knocking down those who thought themselves invincible.

Mark took a few months off after the FWA, then resurfaced in the ESW and once again spread chaos and destruction through the company. Things were going great until someone started pulling shit backstage and taking the vendetta outside of the company. What was worse, was that the president not only let it happen, but encouraged it. So Mark decided to take some more time off when, for reasons unknown, the ESW closed down. Apparently, other wrestlers in the ESW didn't care much about some of the backstage politics either.

Over the next year and half, Mark spent most of his time training new recruits at the Wildcard facility and occasionally work a couple shows in various companies as a "freelance enforcer". When he shows up in a company, people tend to worry, because he generally appears only when he's been paid to specifically target someone.

Finisher: [ include the description ]

1. Equalizer- A "knife-hand" strike to the opponent's throat (or he'll simply punch them in the throat). While they're choking from the blow to the throat, he'll lock in them in a sleep choke-hold from behind before changing it into an inverted neckbreaker. A variation on this will have him execute an Irish whip on his opponent after hitting them in the throat and as they come bounding back off the ropes, he'll suddenly grab them from the side (instead of from behind) and deliver a neck-breaker (note: he will only do it this way if his opponent has truly pissed him off and he wants to seriously injure or cripple the opponent. Using this move could probably get him suspended or terminated from the company. In other words, using this variation of the Equalizer should only be used when doing a storyline and it's approved by the president, myself, and the other person my character is wrestling because it's part of a storyline we plan on running).

2. Cradle Pile Driver - Self Explanatory. He'll sometimes use this move on an opponent after using the Equalizer on them.

Signature Move(s): punch, kick, knife-hand punch, fireman's suplex, arm-drag takedown, Russian Legsweep, spinning heel hick, double armed-suplex, moonsault, leg scissors, hurricurana, flying clothesline, cross-body block, arm-bar, power slam, sunset flip, short-arm clothesline, reverse DDT, spinning neck-breaker.

Quote: "Congratulations, you just made your final mistake in your somewhat pathetic excuse of a career."

Theme Song: "Bodies" by Drowning Pool

Entrance: "Bodies" by Drowning Pool begins to play and Mark Wilder heads down the runway towards the ring, a cold smile on his face as he looks at his opponent. He stops for a moment halfway down the runway to turn and look at some of the fans who are booing him. He laughs at them, then turns and head back down to ringside. When he gets to ringside, he takes off his jacket and puts it in the corner before rolling under the ropes to enter the ring. He gets up and looks at his opponent, a cold confident smile on his face as he leans back against the turnbuckle.

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