Fall Out Tactics


No I’m not that nuts about the fallout RPG’s, but I do love the tactical version of the game!


Just like everybody else that plays the game and uses the editor tool to any extant, I like to get in there and make little alterations to the things in the game (well sometimes big alterations to the game) create little goofy maps, new entities, and etc.


For a while I was offering up some of my own trinkets in this are, cleaned up maps, modified weapons and entities, some altered campaign maps that were definitely more difficult but more entertaining.  Then I ran into a space problem here so I ended up removing the files for download.


If you’re also a Fallout Tactics fanatic then you can send me an email asking what I have and I’ll be happy to share out the little bit I have left with you.


If your interested in learning more about the game the here are a couple of good links to websites you can take a look at that will provide you with a lot of information and even some visual stuff that helps explain it a lot.










Diablo II:  Lord of Destruction

Ever have one of those days where you just want to get home, kick off your shoes, commit murder, mayhem, and pillage all in the name of good because you’re fighting the darkness forces of the universe? Well Brother/sister, pop in that CD to the drive tray and log onto Blizzards West Coast server and hunt up a shaggy uncouth barbarian by the name of Kah_Lorag and we’ll go burn a few villages together.


I play West Coast server, expansion, non-ladder and the trick to getting into the game with me is that my game name and password are the name of my barbarian…Kah_Lorag.


Stop by anytime, even if it’s just to chat a bit.  And I’ll even mention that I usually have set and unique equipment stashed about that I hate to sell and would rather just give to people that can use it. So stop by, bash a few skulls, talk some trash to the major demon lords with me, and maybe even come away from it all with some gold or strong magical gear.


For those of you reading this that don’t have a CLUE what I’m referring to, have a look at the link below. It will lead you to one of the most comprehensive websites around with information and big bright pictures of one of the niftiest online games around…Diablo2.


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