Why do brunettes like their dark hair color? It doesn't show the dirt.

Who makes all the bras for brunettes? Fisher-Price

Why didn't Indians scalp brunettes? The hair from a buffalo's butt was more manageable

Why are most brunettes flat-chested? It makes it easier for them to read their T-shirts

Why are brunettes so proud of their hair? It matches their mustache

Why is the color brunette considered evil? When's the last time ya saw a blonde witch?

How can you tell a brunette is lonely? Check her for a pulse

What is the most frustrated animal in the world? A brunette rabbit

Why do brunettes wear training bras? It's cheaper than changing their bandaids every day

Why did they quit selling brunette Barbie dolls? Parents felt the dandruff might be contagious

How do brunettes get the tangles out their hair? With a rake

What kind of costumes do brunette girls wear on Halloween? They just stand on their heads and go as dirty mops

Why don't brunettes get breast implants? They've already spent their money on thigh & butt implants

What did the frustrated brunette say to her uninterested lover ? " What part of 'yes' don't you understand?"

Why did God create brunettes? So ugly men wouldn't feel left out

What do brunettes miss most about a great party? The invitation

Where do brunettes get the hair for a transplant? From their underarms

Why do brunettes have to pay an extra $2,000 for a breast job? Because the plastic surgeon has to start from scratch

How do you describe a brunette whose phone rings on Saturday night? Startled

What do you call a good-looking man with a brunette? A hostage

How did Revlon come up with it's brunette hair color? By studying what oil spills did to seaweed

What's the difference between a brunette and the trash? At least the trash gets taken out once a week

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