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Thesis Abstracts
List of Thesis
List of Scientific and  Technical Papers
International and National Research Papers
1. Nasir M. Mirza and Ansar Parvez, The Effect of Successive Recycling on the Value of Plutonium,
Transactions American Nuclear Society, USA, Vol. 49, 84 (1985).
2. Nasir M. Mirza and Ansar Parvez, The Recycle Value of Fuel Discharged from LWRs, Nuclear Technology, USA, Vol. 78, 191 (1987).
3. Nasir M. Mirza, Anwar M. Mirza, T.M. Qaisrani and N. Ahmad, Effect of Moderator Temperature on the Dose Rate due to Na-24 at the surface of a typical Swimming Pool Research Reactor, The Nucleus, Pakistan, 26(3,4), 23-28 (1989).
4. Nasir M. Mirza, Sikander M. Mirza and N. Ahmad,  Study of Coolant Activation and Dose Rate with Flow rate and Power Perturbations in Pool Type Research Reactors, Nuclear Technology, USA, Vol. 96 No. 3, 237-247 (1991).
5. Nasir M. Mirza, Basharat Ali, Sikander M. Mirza, M. Tufail and N. Ahmad, A Shape and Mesh Adaptive Computational Methodology for Gamma Ray Dose from Volumetric Source, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, UK, Vol. 38 No. 4, 307-314 (1991).
7. Nasir M. Mirza, Sikander M. Mirza, and N. Ahmad,  Fast Neutron Transmission Through Auxiliary Pipes near the Surface of a Pool Type Research Reactor, Science International (Lahore), Pakistan, 3(3), 167-170 (1991).
8. Nasir M. Mirza and Karl O. Ott,  Neutron Spectra and Flux Calculation in Thermalizing Regions in LMRs, Nuclear Science and  Engineering (USA), 110, 168-176 (1992).
9. N. Ahmad, Nasir M. Mirza, Sikander M. Mirza, T. Rashid, L. A. Khan and M. Tufail,  Design and Study of the Characteristics of a Three Electrode Experimental Ionization Chamber for Gamma Ray Dosimetry of Spent Fuel,
Nuclear Instruments &  Methods - A, 321, 403-409 (1992).
10. M. Tufail, N. Ahmad, Sikander M. Mirza, Nasir M. Mirza and H. A. Khan, Natural Radioactivity from the Building Materials used in Islamabad and Rawalpindi, Pakistan, The Science of the Total Environment, UK, 121, 283-291 (1992).
11. Sikander M. Mirza and Nasir M. Mirza,   Study of the Response Function of Semiconductor Detectors for Alpha-Particles Using Monte Carlo Simulations,   Science International (Lahore), Pakistan Vol.5, No. 3, 235-238 (1993).
12. Sikander M. Mirza, Nasir M. Mirza, M. Tufail and N. Ahmad,  Monte Carlo Method to Calculate Volumetric Activity to Track Density Conversion Coefficients for Radon Dosimetry,  Radiation Protection Dosimetry, UK Vol. 46 No. 1, 15-21 (1993).
13. Nasir M. Mirza &  Sikander M. Mirza,    A Multigroup Approach to Calculate Dose Rate Due to Neutron Leakage Through Auxialry Pipes Near the Surface of Research Reactors,   Nuclear Science Journal (R.O.C.) p.23-26 February (1993).
14. Nasir M. Mirza, Sikander M. Mirza,  A Multigroup Approach to Calculate Dose Rate due to Neutron Leakage Through Auxiliary Pipes Near the Surface of Research Reactors, Nuclear Science Journal, R.O.C. 30(1), 23-36, February (1993).
15. Nasir M. Mirza, Sikander M. Mirza,  Effect of Flow Rate and Power Perturbation on Dose Rates Due to Coolant Activity in Low Power Research Reactors,  Annals of Nuclear Energy, UK, Vol. 20, No. 6, 381-390 (1993).
16. Nasir M. Mirza and Sikander M. Mirza,  Assessment of Orifice Effects on Dose Rate at the Reactor Bridge due to Coolant Activation in Typical MNSRs,  Nuclear Energy, UK, 32, No. 6, 387-394 December (1993).
17. Nasir M. Mirza, Sikander M. Mirza, A. M. Gasmelbari, and M. N. Bhuiyan,  A Method to Determine Thermal Diffusion Coefficient and Thermal Diffusion Length from Neutron Albedo Measurements,  Nuclear Science Journal, R.O.C., Vol. 31, No. 2, pp.101-110 (1994).
18. Nasir M. Mirza, Sikander M. Mirza and Masood Iqbal, Determination of Mean Squared Slowing Down Distance for Am-Be Neutrons in Water Using BF3 Detector, Radiat. Phys. Chem., UK, Vol. 48, No. 4, pp.413-417 (1996).
19. Nasir M. Mirza,   Impact of Radioactivity on Development of Physics,   The Nucleus, Pakistan, Vol. 33 No., 4 (1996).
20. Syedah F. Ghousia, Nasir M. Mirza and Sikander M. Mirza,   ;Development of PC-based Nuclear Instruments for Gamma ray Spectroscopy Using Scintillation Detector, Computers in Physics (AIP), USA, Vol. 11, No. 5, 95-101 Sep/Oct Issue (1997).
21. Masood Iqbal, Nasir M. Mirza, Sikander M. Mirza and  S. K. Ayazuddin,  Study of the Void Coefficients of Reactivity in a Typical Pool Type Research Reactor,   Annals of Nuclear Energy, UK Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 177-186 (1997).
22. Nasir M. Mirza, S.S. Chughatai, N. Ahmad and L..A. Khan,   Experimental Measurements of Na-24 in a Typical Low Power Tank-in-Pool Type Research Reactor, Nuclear Science Journal (R.O.C), Vol. 34, No. 3, pp. 203 - 208 June (1997).
23. Nasir M. Mirza, Faiz-ul-Hasan and Sikander M. Mirza,  Visualization of Avalanches in a Proportional Gas detector Using Monte Carlo Method,    Science International (Lahore), Pakistan, Vol. 9(1), 7-12 (1997).
24. Asif Hamid, Sikander M. Mirza and Nasir M. Mirza,   Preliminary Studies of Diffusion Parameters in Water with Regular Shape Voids, Science International (Lahore), Pakistan, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 189-197 (1998).
25. Anwar M. Mirza, Nasir M. Mirza and Imran Mir,   Simulation of Corrosion Product Activity in PWRs Under Flow Rate Transients, Annals of Nuclear Energy, UK, Vol. 25, No. 6 pp. 331 - 345 (1998).
26. Anwar M. Mirza, Salma Khanam &   Nasir M. Mirza,   Simulation of Reactivity Transients in MTRs,
Annals of Nuclear Energy, UK., Vol. 25, No. 18, pp. 1465 - 1484 (1998).
27. Farah Deeba, Anwar M. Mirza and Nasir M. Mirza,  Modeling and  Simulation of Corrosion Product Activity in PWRs Under Power Perturbations,  Annals of Nuclear Energy, UK, Vol. 25, No. 32, pp. 1825 - 1886 (1998).
28. Masood Iqbal, Nasir M. Mirza and Sikander M. Mirza,  Simulation of LEU-MTR Transients under Reactivity Insertion and Loss-of-Flow Conditions,  Nuclear Science Journal (R.O.C), Vol. 35, No. 2, pp. 81-90 April (1998).
29. Rubina Khan, Nasir M. Mirza  and Sikander M. Mirza, Ramp Reactivity Insertion Limits in a Typical Pool Type Reasearch Reactor,   Nuclear Science Journal, Vol. 36, No.1, pp. 27 - 41 (1999).
30. Rubina Nasir,  Nasir M. Mirza  &  Sikander M. Mirza,   Sensitivity of Reactivity Insertion Limits with respect to Safety Parameters in a Typical MTRs, Annals of Nuclear Energy, UK , 26, 1517-1537 (1999).
31. Masood Iqbal, Sikander M. Mirza and Nasir M. Mirza,  Effect of Void Volume Fraction on Diffusion Parameters for Water: An Experimental Study,  Radiation Physics &  Chemistry,  Accepted for Publication (1999).
32. Sikander M. Mirza, Aneela Abrar, Nasir M. Mirza,   Improved Methodology Using Simulated Aneeling for Optimum Reload Pattern in a Typical PWR,  Annals of Nuclear Energy, published  (2000).
Published Conference Papers
1. M. Nasim Shah, Nasir M. Mirza, and Sikander M. Mirza,  Risks and Radiological Consequences of Debris Collision with Nuclear Power Sources in Space ,  Conference Paper at Committee session on Peaceful Uses of Outer Space: Scientific and Technical Subcommittee 13th session, Report No. S&T/1993/CRP2 United Nations, New York, USA (1993).
2. Anwar M. Mirza, R. Iqbal &  Nasir M. Mirza, Simulation of Activation of Impurities in a Typical PWR Using MATLAB-SIMULINK,  Proceeding IEEE (Pak. Section) First National Multi-topic Conference, page 40-46, held at College of EM&E, National University of Sciences & Technology, Rawalpindi, Pakistan, November 28-29 (1995).
3. Anwar M. Mirza and  Nasir M. MirzaFinite Element Based Composite Solution for Neutron Transport problems,  p 183-192, Proceedings 5th National Symposium on Frontiers of Physics, held at Department of Physics, Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan, Dec 26-28, (1995).
4. Nasir M. Mirza &   Sikander M. Mirza,   Study of Effect of Reflector Size on Compact LMR Parameters Using Improved Diffusion Methodology,  Proceedings 5th National Symposium on Frontiers of Physics, held at Department of Physics, Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan, Dec 26-28, (1995).
5. Rubina Khan, Nasir M. Mirza &  Sikander M. Mirza,  Simulations of Reactivity Insertion Limits in Typical MTRs, Presented at the 7th National Symposium on Frontiers of Physics, Nov. 19-21, (1998); Published in Proceedings in June 1999.
6. Nasir M. Mirza " Graphics & Visualization Techniques," Paper presented at Workshop on Computational Physics, at Physics Department Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad, September 20 - 24 (1999).
Books, Thesis  & Reports
1.  Introductory Nuclear Reactor Statics,   Text book by K. O. Ott and W.A. Bezella, Sections 2.8, 3.7 and 3.8 in revised 2nd Edition, Published by American Nuclear Society, USA (1989).
2. Nasir M. Mirza, &  Neutron Spectra and Flux Calculation in Thermalizing Regions in LMRs,  Ph.D. Thesis, Purdue University, W. Lafayette, IN 47907, December (1989).
3. M.F. Wyne, J.H. Meghji, A. Mannan, K. Anwar and Nasir M. Mirza,   Pakistan Research Reactor-2 : Utilization and Experiments,   Report, CNS-23 PIEAS, P.O. Nilore, Islamabad, Pakistan (1990).
4. M. Tufail, N. Ahmad, Nasir M. Mirza and Sikander M. Mirza,    ;Activity Concentrations in Building Materials,   Report: CNS-25, PIEAS, P.O. Nilore, Islamabad Pakistan (1992).
5. N. Ahmad, Nasir M. Mirza, Sikander M. Mirza,   Statistics for Nuclear Science and Engineering, Report: CNS-26 PIEAS, P.O. Nilore, Islamabad, Pakistan (1992).
6. Nasir M. Mirza, N. Ahmad, Sikander M. Mirza And M. Tufail,  Assessment of Cancer Risk due to Radioactivity in Construction Materials, Report: CNS-27, PIEAS, P.O. Nilore, Islamabad,  Pakistan (1993).
7. Nasir M. Mirza et al.,  COMSTECH Course on Health Physics,  Sections on Radiation and its Interaction with Matter & Detection Techniques, The book is published by COMSTECH: 3 Constitution Ave., Sector G-5-2, Islamabad, Pakistan. ISBN 965-487-000-3 (1994).
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