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Narcotics Anonymous Matters


NA operates from the ground up. There are no leaders and every member, no matter how long they have being attending meetings, has an equal say in the fellowship. Each group is autonomous and decides for itself how it conducts meetings within the NA Traditions. All groups must be self-supporting and a voluntary collection is held at the end of meetings to pay for rent, coffee, etc.

Group decisions are made by holding a business meeting called a 'group conscience' on a regular basis. Each member has a say at the conscience and can ask for a conscience to be held at any time but they are normally held once a month. Issues such as who sets up the meeting (secretary) and how the rent is paid are normally dealt with at these meetings.

If there are a large number of groups in an area a committee is often formed called an Area Service Committee. This committee is made up of representatives from each group and its main functions are to provide a service to groups and to find out how best to carry the NA message to addicts who still suffer. The area is funded by groups who donate money from their collections to help pay for the maintenance of the phoneline and other duties carried out by the area. In turn Areas may form Regional committees but groups are not answerable to either committees as long as they operate within NA Traditions.


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NA's primary approach to recovery is the belief in the therapeutic value of one addict helping another. Members take part in NA meetings by talking about their experiences and recovery from drug addiction. NA meetings are informally structured, held in space rented by the group, and are led by members who take turns opening and closing the meeting. NA meetings and other services are funded entirely from donations by addict members and the sale of recovery literature. Financial contributions from non-members are not accepted.

Most NA meetings are held regularly at the same time and place each week, usually in a public facility. There are two basic types of meetings: those which are open to the general public and those closed to the public (for addicts only). Meetings vary widely in format. Some formats are: participation, speaker, question and answer, topic discussion, and some have a combination of these formats. The function of any meeting is always the same: to provide a suitable and reliable environment for personal recovery.


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Addicts helping each other recover are the foundation of NA. Members meet regularly to talk about their experiences in recovery. More experienced members (known as sponsors) work individually with newer members. The core of the NA program is the Twelve Steps. These 'steps' are a set of guidelines outlining a practical approach to recovery. By following these guidelines and working closely with other members, addicts learn to stop using drugs and face the challenges of daily living.

Narcotics Anonymous is not a religious organization and does not mandate any particular belief system. It does teach basic spiritual principles such as honesty, open-mindedness, faith, willingness, and humility that may be applied in everyday life. The specific practical application of spiritual principles is determined by each individual. Recovery in NA is not a miracle cure that happens within a given period of time. It is a process, ongoing and personal. Members make an individual decision to join and recover at their own pace.


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