
Guest Icons
Fan Fiction

Zem's Icon Shop

Welcome to my icon shop! Have fun, look around, just remember, no direct linking! Please note that all icon sizes are 100x100 and are meant for Livejournal, MSN, or other forums.

Added: Game-various-4
Upcoming: Revamping
Total Icons: 134

Sign the Guestbook

Update: November 16, 2005
Just updating to let you all know that I'll be on a temp HIATUS for TCGs until I can get all of my school work done and over with. See you in December!

Update: April 6th, 2005
As you may or may not have noticed, there is a new section on the site. Yup, my fan fiction is offically up for reading. Not nearly done yet though. Enjoy, or don't. ^^;

Update: February 9th, 2005
Le gasp! Well, the sites back and running and I even found some time to get some icons done. Looking back on a few though I think there are some that need to be redone.. I'll probably do that next.

Update: January 24th, 2005
Okay, TCG's are back up and running! Let the trading commence! Sorry for all the hiatus with them and what not!

Update: December 17th, 2004
I know, I know, I've been dead for the past four months. But, university isn't easy when you're trying to keep a social life up and your homework at the same time.. so needless to say I haven't had much time for the site. No promises, but I will try and make some new icons, probably from the new Advents Children movie that's coming out. Sorry!

Update: August 21st, 2004
Okay, I apologize to everyone for the lack of updates for forever and a day, but my internet at home has been down for the majority of the summer. If you are part of a TCG or the owner/helper of one, please note that I am on hiatus TCG wise until I can get a more secure and steady internet access. Sorry again.

Update: May 2nd, 2004
Wow, its been a while since this place has had a decent update. I've been having some trouble lately finding some really good pictures to make icons... besides that I've just been plain busy. Oh, and I don't know if anyone has noticed, but I have a new section up, TCGs. ^^; Its been quite some time since I've been involved in one, but here we go again.

Update: April 13th, 2004
I'm off to New Orleans for a few days, but I thought I might update the site before I head off. w00t, I have been hooked onto the TCG's as you can see up at the menu.

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