Monthly Membership
Meetings Held on
4th Tuesday at
Asbury Methodist Village
Apartment Center
Building 405
Parker Hall
Gaithersburg, MD
See Map, Back Page

Next Meeting:
March 28
Parker Hall, Downstairs

11:45 AM
Brown Bag Lunch

12:30 PM
Business Meeting &
Briefing on "Census"

1:15 PM

President Annabel's Message. . .

"It's only those who do nothing that make no mistakes"
--Joseph Conrad, writer--"Outcast of the Islands", 1896
"The man who makes no mistakes
Does not usually make anything"
--Edward John Phelps, lawyer and diplomat.
Speech at Mansion House in London, Jan. 24, 1889

Am I forgiven for my mistakes on dates in my message in last month's newsletter? Thanks.  And Ken Levine sent me an "instant message" by e-mail saying we missed a good meeting on income tax preparation (we can't fight Mother Nature).

On March 28, our program will be on "Keep America Alert," a title to be explained by Clyde M. Ludwig. Clyde and Betty have been members of NARFE for many years, all or most all in Chapter 581, I think.

The first year DUES for new members joining NARFE will increase to $25 starting on April 1, 2000. However, the Maryland Federation Board has extended to new members joining NARFE in Maryland the present fee schedule of $15. Applications must be processed through the Maryland Federation.  Any bets on future dues increases?  Why not buy a national and/or chapter life membership now and now worry about future increases!  See the life membership schedules on page 2.

The UNITED SENIORS OF MARYLAND met on Feb. 1 at St. John's College in Annapolis. Chapter 581 members Tom Diehl, Annabel Liebelt and Dick Strombotne attended. The morning session was entitled "Aging in Place" and included:  "Senior Services" by Phyllis Madachy, President of MD Association of Area Agencies on Aging, and "Nursing Home Quality of Care" by Nancy Caliman, Project Director, National Caucus and Center on Black Aged. Following was a brief presentation by The Honorable Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, Lt. Gov. (in boots), with a message supporting the messages of the speakers. Senate Bill 740 and House Bill 791,

(Continued on page 3)

(See Spotlight article on page 5)

2:00 PM
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