Hopefully everyon that visits this site will leave with a impression (good or bad or ugly). The site has no meaning, no hidden games etc..... just a website for you too look at and take the piss out off.
I will update it when ever i get round too it, ie have the motivation. Be sure too check out some off the links ,expecially
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New counter just added !!!!
The site is being massivly renovated and will probably fuck up in the next few days, either due too stress, not giving a shit, or just plain delete everything and do it again another day. If anyone has any ideas for new pages or articles drop me a line n all that.
Well, well well... here we are again, you scared? i see your left leg twitching.... whats the deal with that? i wouldn't turn around if i were you. I can see him coming up behind you...

Yeh thats right, you big yourself up, your the hard man you can take on the world its ok, im sure you can take him.

But, the element off suprise, the blade, the look in his eye that says i want too see what your insides look like.

Id be worried if i ...     .  .  .... ..
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