NappGirlCurl's Hairstory:

Born 19**, as a natural, my mom was able maintain that until I reached the age of 3 years old. That was when I got my first relaxer.

Well, back in the day, relaxers didn't take to my hair very well, so my mom would also get my hair pressed. The was a wasted effort, cause I would sweat the style out by the time I got home.

The continued until the age of 10 or 11, when I joined a swim team. Since I was swimming every day there was no point in having relaxers or getting my hair done. It was a total disaster, soooo I cut it all off. My first TWA.

I maintained my TWA until the 10th grade. By then, I fell under the influence of peer pressure and started getting my hair relaxed once again. This continued until 1995 when I got married.

I transitioned from relaxed hair to a relaxed mind. I wore braids for about a year (or a weave), then I found a stylist who could not only do some fierce flat twists (into a  faketwist bun) but who could also press myt hair without burning the mess out of my scalp.

She did my hair for almost two years. THEN - she moved out of state and I had to start my search again.
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