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Spencer Jack and Jen Zaradka from Winnipeg met up with us in Miami for the trip. Spencer is an experienced collector and a great public speaker in demand. Jen, on the other hand, was new to collecting and South America but endured all sorts of jungle discomfort with a smile.

Karel Kasanpawiro lives in Paramaribo and is a pastor at a local church. He is an amazing man and was incredibly helpful to us during our visit. I wish I had a chance to spend more time with him - his sense of local history and culture was invaluable.

Karel with his wife, Betty.

I'm sure being the only woman on the trip was a drag at times. Jen and friend in Port of Spain, Trinidad.

Jeff Cardwell and friends in the mangrove forests along French Guyana border.

On our first day, I saw a young guy with a bird cage. A few minutes later, I saw him again...but it couldn't have been him...we were driving and he was walking. Another 10 minutes down the road, there he was again, with his caged bird. Hmmm. Very odd. Was there a cage bird convention in town? Turns out, it is the hip thing for a young Surinamese man to do - walk around town with a songbird in a cage. Every where we went, there was a guy with a bird cage.

Jeff and I at Miami airport.

Friendly hotel staff in Lelydorp.

All photos by J. Cardwell, S. Jack, J. Zaradka and V. Kutty

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Latest update: 6 April 2007
Comments on this page: email me at vin dot kutty at gmail dot com

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