Basics (Neheno ai pixu)


Hello (formal)                                               -        Penapi 

Hello (informal)                                             -        Haloo / Haii

How are you? (formal)                                   -        Poxine hehupa fukako?

How are you? (informal)                                -        Poxine fukako?

Fine.                                                            -        Puxuna

Thank You (formal)                                       -        Ei semisi oa

Thank You (informal)                                     -        Semisi

What is your name?                                       -        Lafuke hehupa limu faso oa?

My name is…                                                 -        Limu faso ei hehupa…

Nice to meet you                                           -        Ei hetexe fefoma hohoxa oa.

Please                                                          -        Lulafo

You’re welcome                                             -        Io hehupa muleso / Lomofe faso ei

Yes                                                              -        Kaluse

No                                                               -        Momeko

Excuse me (formal)                                        -        Oa Nenahe ei

Excuse me (informal)                                     -        Nenahe

I am sorry                                                    -        Ei kofoka

What time is it?                                             -        Lafuke nehuxu io hehupa?

Goodbye (formal)                                          -        Hitihu

Goodbye (informal)                                       -        Paaipaai

I can’t speak Antarctican well                          -        Ei penenu momeko kumaka sasiko nonixe Napaakisu uu.

Do you speak English?                                   -        Oa kumaka nonixe Eenekelane uu kiaa?

Is there someone here who speaks English?     -        Lemafi hehupa melale hupate malofu oi kumaka nonixe Eenekelane uu kiaa?

Help!                                                            -        Punihi!

Look Out!                                                     -        Xuhihi!

Good Day                                                     -        Puxuna xohupa

Good Morning                                               -        Puxuna kifasa

Good Evening                                               -        Puxuna nuxexi

Good Night                                                   -        Puxuna lisi

I don’t understand                                         -        Ei kikika momeko

Where is the toilet?                                        -        Foloso hehupa kufema?



Problems   (Kulolo)


Leave me alone!                                            -        Penani ei!

Get lost!                                                        -        Nitati xonihu!

Don’t touch me!                                             -        Selesi momeko ei!

I’m calling the police!                                     -        Ei sukeme ii faleki!

Police!                                                          -        Faleki!

Stop! Thief!                                                   -        Lomiso! Lofali!

I need your help                                            -        Ei leso punihi ai faso oa

I’m lost                                                         -        Ei penahu mifele

I lost my bag                                                -        Ei penahu nunoni faso ei

I lost my wallet                                             -        Ei penahu mukafa faso ei

I’m sick                                                        -        Ei sesoko

I’m injured                                                    -        Ei tinaxa ui kusose

I need a doctor                                              -        Ei leso xatine

Can I use your phone?                                   -        Ei penenu sukeme faso oa kiaa?



Numbers   (Lolimu)


One (1)                                                        -        Mumi

Two (2)                                                        -        Fulime

Three (3)                                                     -        Sifofi

Four (4)                                                        -        Hihani

Five (5)                                                        -        Hopuho

Six (6)                                                          -        Kakifa

Seven (7)                                                     -        Miliki

Eight (8)                                                       -        Potoho

Nine (9)                                                        -        Lemo

Ten (10)                                                       -        Sesilu

Eleven (11)                                                   -        Sesilu mumi

Twelve (12)                                                  -        Sesilu fulime

Thirteen (13)                                                -        Sesilu sifofi

Fourteen (14)                                                -        Sesilu hihani

Fifteen (15)                                                   -        Sesilu hopuho

Sixteen (16)                                                  -        Sesilu kakifa

Seventeen (17)                                              -        Sesilu miliki

Eighteen (18)                                                -        Sesilu potoho

Nineteen (19)                                                -        Sesilu lemo

Twenty (20)                                                  -        Fulime sesilu

Twenty-one (21)                                           -        Fulime sesilu mumi

Twenty-two (22)                                           -        Fulime sesilu fulime

Twenty-three (23)                                         -        Fulime sesilu sifofi

Thirty (30)                                                    -        Sifofi sesilu

Forty (40)                                                     -        Hihani sesilu

Fifty (50)                                                      -        Hopuho sesilu

Sixty (60)                                                     -        Kakifa sesilu

Seventy (70)                                                 -        Miliki sesilu

Eighty (80)                                                   -        Potoho sesilu

Ninety (90)                                                   -        Lemo sesilu

Hundred (100)                                              -        Tuxani

Two hundred (200)                                       -        Fulime tuxani

Three hundred (300)                                     -        Sifofi tuxani

Thousand (1000)                                           -        Sakase

Two thousand (2000)                                    -        Fulime sakase

Million (1,000,000)                                        -        Mefimu

Billion (1,000,000,000)                                  -        Pihaxo

Number _____                                              -        Lolimu ______

Half                                                              -        Hehino

Less                                                             -        Nupipe

More                                                            -        Lusola



Time (Famafi)


Now                                                             -        Kasofu

Later                                                            -        Ponete lusola

Before                                                          -        Tutene

After                                                            -        Xuhoha

Morning                                                        -        Kifasa

In the morning                                              -        Kifome kifasa

Afternoon                                                     -        Honi

Evening                                                        -        Nuxexi

In the evening                                               -        Kifome nuxexi

Night                                                            -        Lisi



Clock Time  (Famafi pixupo uu)


1:00am                                                        -        Mumi nehuxu

2:00am                                                        -        Fulime nehuxu

Noon                                                            -        Sesilu fulime nehuxu / Saku

1:00pm                                                        -        Sesilu sifofi nehuxu

2:00pm                                                        -        Sesilu hihani nehuxu

6:00pm                                                        -        Sesilu potoho nehuxu

6:45pm                                                        -        Sesilu potoho nehuxu nupa hihani sesilu hopuho / Sofomu tutene sesilu lemo nehuxu

7:15pm                                                        -        Sesilu lemo nehuxu nupa sesilu hopuho / Sofomu xuhoha sesilu lemo nehuxu

7:30pm                                                        -        Sesilu lemo nehuxu nupa sifofi sesilu / Hehino xuhoha sesilu lemo nehuxu

Midnight                                                       -        Kofofu nehuxu / Lose



Duration    (Pexahi)


______ minute(s)                                          -        _______ fili

______ hour(s)                                             -        _______ nehuxu

______ day(s)                                               -        _______ xohupa

______ week(s)                                            -        _______ mefeke

______ month(s)                                          -        _______ sukomo

______ year(s)                                              -        _______ fofuki

daily                                                             -        nitaxo

weekly                                                          -        mefeke aa

monthly                                                        -        sukomo aa

yearly                                                           -        fofuki aa



Days (Xohupa)


Today                                                           -        mafefe

Yesterday                                                     -        mimifu

Tomorrow                                                    -        samofu

This week                                                     -        mefeke semesu

Last week                                                     -        mefeke sisilo

Next week                                                     -        mefeke kosa

Monday                                                        -        Xohupa mumi au

Tuesday                                                       -        Xohupa fulime au

Wednesday                                                   -        Xohupa sifofi au

Thursday                                                      -        Xohupa hihani au

Friday                                                           -        Xohupa hopuho au

Saturday                                                       -        Xohupa kakifa au

Sunday                                                         -        Xohupa miliki au




Colours (Nehepi)


Black                                                            -        Puxoha

White                                                           -        Kafemu

Gray                                                             -        Tunoni

Red                                                              -        Fufuku

Blue                                                             -        Pexinu

Yellow                                                          -        Kisake

Green                                                           -        Tihanu

Orange                                                         -        Sikufe

Purple                                                          -        Selili

Brown                                                          -        Huxatu




Transportation    (Kimoli ai)


Bus and Train         (Xotiha nupa fukamo)


How much is a ticket to _____?                                -        Tupuhi hehupa kesume kafisi _____?

One ticket to _____ please                                       -        Mumi kesume kafisi ______ lulafo

Where does this train/bus go?                                  -        Foloso fukamo semesu/xotiha semesu nitati?

Where is the train/bus to _____?                              -        Foloso hehupa fukamo/xotiha kafisi _____?

Does this train/bus stop in ______?                          -        Fukamo semesu/xotiha semesu lomiso nehani _______ kiaa?

When does the train/bus for _____ leave?                 -        Faseli fukamo/xotiha xatixa kafisi _______ ?

When will this train/bus arrive in _________?            -        Faseli fukamo semesu/xotiha semesu tuhape nehani _____ ?

This shuttle                                                            -        Sesosa semesu

A one-way ticket                                                     -        Kesume mumi lofeki

A round-trip ticket                                                   -        Kesume kofusa uu



Directons   (Moleku ai)


Where is the _____?                                                -        Foloso hehupa _____?

…the train station                                                    -        …mefosi faso fukamo

…the bus station                                                     -        …mefosi faso xotiha

…the airport                                                           -        …fasasu

…the American/Canadian/British consulate                 -        …lekolo faso fesosu melolu uu/kaanata/tehixe melolu uu



Taxi  (Kasuki)


Taxi!                                                                      -        Kasuki!

Take me to _____ please                                         -        Oa popuxi ei kafisi _____ lulafo

How much does it cost to get to ______?                  -        Tupuhi io nexeta fefoma nitati kafisi ______ ?

Take me there, please                                              -        Oa popuxi ei fufime lulafo



Money   (Kefi)


Do you accept American/Australian/Canadian dollars?          Oa hoha Toola Ameelika uu/Aseteelia uu/Kaanata uu kiaa?

Do you accept British pounds?                                            Oa hoha Puunete Peliitane uu kiaa?

Do you accept Credit cards?                                               Oa hoha xineni faso natehe kiaa?

Can you change money for me?                                         Oa penenu taxipa kefi tatoti ei kiaa?

Where can I get money changed?                                       Foloso ei penenu taxipa kefi kiaa?

Can you change a traveler’s cheque for me?                         Oa penenu taxipa nunu faso mulufa tatoti ei kiaa?

Where can I get a traveler’s cheque changed?                      Foloso ei penenu taxipa nunu faso mulufa ?

What is the exchange rate?                                                Lafuke hehupa lokufa faso taxipa ai?

Where is an automatic teller machine?                                 Foloso hehupa pehinu milesa uu nateni / pehinu punoxa uu?



Eating       (Pehote ai)


Meal                                                                      -        Hipehe

Breakfast                                                                -        Xoxoni

Lunch                                                                    -        Notihi

Supper (dinner)                                                      -        Sufema

I would like ____                                                    -        Ei kufemo _______ / Ei nuhuxa _______

I would like a dish containing _______                      -        Ei kufemo hipehe salafi io xupaxi _______

Chicken                                                                  -        Nitoni

Beef                                                                       -        Teteha / Xunopa

Deer                                                                      -        Panuxa

Fish                                                                       -        Hehepo

Salmon                                                                  -        Lofoli

Tuna                                                                      -        Kulesi

Whiting                                                                  -        Fasofa

Cod                                                                       -        Tohoti

Seafood                                                                 -        Famali

Dulse                                                                     -        Tuulese

Lobster                                                                  -        Huxopu

Clams                                                                    -        Nutahe

Oysters                                                                  -        Kama

Mussels                                                                  -        Sofo

Snails                                                                     -        Lalaki

Frogs                                                                     -        Nepexu

Ham                                                                      -        Xohaha

Pork                                                                      -        Fufefi / Kasisa

Boar                                                                      -        Pena

Sausage                                                                 -        Lukasi

Cheese                                                                   -        Pepupu

Eggs                                                                      -        Xatuni

One Egg                                                                 -        Mumi xatuni

Salad                                                                     -        Kefufo

Fresh vegetables                                                     -        Lolema nopupe

Fresh fruit                                                              -        Xunixi nopupe

Bread                                                                     -        Hipani

Toast                                                                     -        Sokale

Coffee                                                                    -        Tepi

Tea                                                                        -        Leseku

Juice                                                                      -        Niputu

Water                                                                     -        Fekamu

Mineral water                                                          -        Fekamu maselu uu

Beer                                                                       -        Huhiho

Red/white wine                                                       -        Mekemu fufuku/kafemu

May I have some _____ ?                                        -        Ei tutoha tepupe sufamu ______ kiaa?

Salt                                                                       -        Misuke

Black Pepper                                                           -        Filusi (puxoha)

Butter                                                                    -        Hepehi

Excuse me, waiter?                                                  -        Oa Nenahe ei, kisuli…

I’m finished                                                            -        Ei hahopi ui

It was delicious                                                       -        Oi hehupa ui hixeni / Oi hixeni

Please clear the plates                                              -        Lulafo, oa susume mimima

The check please                                                     -        Lulafo, oa toxute hopono



Bars  (Punana)


Do you serve alcohol?                                              -        Oa sulofi tenani kiaa?

Is there table service?                                              -        Oa sulofi nehani lesame kiaa?

A beer/two beers, please                                          -        Mumi huhiho/ Fulime huhiho, lulafo

A glass of red/white wine, please                              -        Panupe faso mekemu fufuku/kafemu, lulafo

A quarter liter of beer, please                                   -        Sofomu pupipo faso huhiho, lulafo

A pint of beer, please                                              -        Sisela faso huhiho, lulafo

A bottle of beer, please                                            -        Hexa faso huhiho, lulafo

_____ and _____ please                                          -        _____ nupa ______ , lulafo

whiskey                                                                  -        Lemimu

vodka                                                                    -        Molumo

rum                                                                       -        Sulimo

water                                                                     -        Fekamu

club soda                                                               -        Mifeso

tonic water                                                             -        Fekamu semefi uu

orange juice                                                           -        Niputu faso fufofi

coke (soda)                                                            -        Kooka

Do you have any bar snacks?                                    -        Oa tepupe petapa sefisu punana uu kiaa?

One more, please                                                    -        Mumi lusola, lulafo

Another round, please                                             -        Mumi lusola fifofo, lulafo

When is closing time?                                              -        Lafuke famafi oa ninehi ?



Shopping   (Kakasu)


Do you have this in my size?                                    -        Oa tepupe fukako semesu fefoma mofilo faso ei kiaa?

How much is this?                                                   -        Tupuhi hehupa fukako semesu?

That’s too expensive                                                -        Fukako lumeli mosimo xehohi uu

Would you take _____?                                           -        Oa penenu hoha _____ kiaa?

Expensive                                                               -        Xehohi uu

Cheap                                                                    -        Pitapa

I can’t afford it                                                        -        Ei penenu momeko hanepe io.

I don’t want it                                                         -        Ei kufemo momeko io.

You’re cheating me                                                  -        Oa taxi ei.

I’m not interested                                                    -        Ei momeko tatepe uu / Io tatepe momeko ei.

OK, I’ll take it.                                                         -        Ooke, Ei tepupe io.

Can I have a bag?                                                   -        Ei penenu tepupe nunoni kiaa?

Do you ship overseas?                                             -        Oa kufefe fulofu kiaa?

I need (some)…                                                      -        Ei leso (sufamu)…

Toothpaste                                                             -        sokosi

Toothbrush                                                             -        tipope faso fafafo

Tampons                                                                -        kemeso

Soap                                                                      -        kufula

Shampoo                                                                -        misaki

Pain reliever                                                           -        nahu

Cold medicine                                                         -        nihene tatoti xoxeni

Stomach medicine                                                   -        nihene tatoti fumume

Razor                                                                     -        fumasu

Batteries                                                                 -        peno

Umbrella                                                                -        fakisa

Parasol                                                                   -        mokela

Suntan lotion                                                          -        nehupi lokisa uu

Postcard                                                                 -        lelolu

Postage stamps                                                       -        sakumi

Writing paper                                                          -        lako tatoti kekesu

Pen                                                                       -        salifa

English language books                                           -        hohupi fefoma nonixe Eenekelane uu

English language magazines                                     -        tinano fefoma nonixe Eenekelane uu

English language newspaper                                     -        kekisi fefoma nonixe Eenekelane uu

An Antarctican-English dictionary                              -        xoteha Naapakisu uu-Eenekelane uu



Authority    (Mimimu ai)


I haven’t done anything wrong                                 -        Ei xuxina ui momeko fukako petapa samefu.

It was a misunderstanding                                       -        Io hehupa ui milulu ai.

Where are you taking me?                                        -        Foloso oa toxute ei ?

Am I under arrest?                                                  -        Ei nonopi uu kiaa?

I am an American/Australian/British/Canadian

Citizen                                                                    -        Ei hehupa poxoxo Ameelika uu/Aseteelia uu/Peliitane uu/Kaanata uu

I want to talk to the American/Australian/British/       

Canadian embassy/consulate                                    -        Ei kufemo kumaka fefoma hehepi/lekolo Ameelika uu/Aseteelia/Peliitane uu/Kaanata uu

I want to talk to a lawyer                                         -        Ei kufemo kumaka fefoma patipu.

Can I just pay a fine now?                                        -        Ei penenu sisofu hahapi kasofu kiaa?

How do you say _____ ?                                         -        Poxine oa fefafe _____ ?

What is this/that called?                                           -        Lafuke hehupa limu faso fukako semesu/lumeli ?










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