
"I'm not a radical feminist, I'm an optimistic one." - NLG

''Alexis is a master of control,'' offers NLG.

"I love the duplicity of her. She is so completely smart and rational and compartmentalized, she can think clearly for other people, but she is a total loon. That makes her interesting." -NLG on Alexis

"You never stop growing and you never stop learning. If you do, you're dead." -NLG
"The most interesting actresses, to me, have always been the ones who have baggage under their eyes." -NLG

"She a very dynamic, spontaneous actress...and we share the same energy when we get going" -Rick Hearst (Ric, GH)

"I love working with Nancy. She's like a sister... who you want to kiss." -Maurice Benard (Sonny, GH)

"Nancy and I are actors who are quick-witted and opinionated," explains Hearst. "We bring that energy to our scenes and it's a blast." -Rick Hearst (Ric, GH)

"Working with Nancy, I learned a lot from the chaos that she brings to the stage and when the camera turns on she's phenomenal and sweet as pie--I loved working with Nancy. -Chad Brannon (Zander, GH)

"Nancy just did a stellar, phenomenal job." -Kelly Monaco

""I told Nancy [on my last day], 'You don't even realize how much I've learned from you.' She taught me how to be more emotionally accessible. She is an unbelievable actor - so committed, so deep." -Jaime Ray Newman (Kristina, Alexis's sister)

"My joy comes from seeing the work Steve Burton (Jason), Nancy Lee Grahn (Alexis), Rick Hearst (Ric), TB, and KM did. It makes you want to be an actor." -Maurice Benard

Alexis: "I don't take cases to pursue them, I take them to win. I will do everything that I can. And you believe me, I will stop at nothing."

Alexis to Ned: "Why I Hate the Holidays" by Alexis Davis.
Because it's like playing pin-the-tail-on-the donkey with bayonettes. All fun and laughter, and by the time it's over, everybody's bleeding."

Alexis to Luke: "I'm tired, the launch is waiting, and as fascinating as you are, I'd rather be unconscious."

Alexis to Stefan: "A countdown to world power. That is such a ridiculous phrase, I can barely say it without choking."

Alexis to Luke: " All I wanted was some well-deserved solitude and instead I get your pathetic, transparent attempt to enlist me as your ally, while you make wild assumptions about my family. Now in case I haven't made this perfectly clear, I find your presence here an enormous imposition! "
Luke: It's a public dock, baby.
Alexis: I'm talking about your presence on earth.

Alexis to Hellena: "You make disloyality and lies sound like noble endeavors."

"Look at my face and remember it" -Alexis

Alexis to Jax: "We Cassadines don't have a family like you do. Our's is more like a labor union. Or a coven."

"He took me to Puerto Rico and it was transcendent. It was - the world just fell away. I didn't think about anything. I didn't worry about anything. I didn't try to figure anything out. I just danced."
-Alexis to Ric on Sonny

Alexis to Stefan: "Thanks to the raging testosterone of the Cassadine men, our family tree is more like a jungle."

Alexis to Hellena: "Now, be off!! Before someone drops a house on you, too."

"How did I ever get stuck with a stubborn, intelligent, cute little wife like you?"-Jax

Alexis to Sonny: "Not so fast, Mr. Smiley face. This apartment. Johnny one-note and what's his name, who moved me in here? This champagne. Oh, you're good. You're very good. The old motive within the motive. Sonny: "I'm not that complicated."

Stefan to Alexis: "We come from a truly hidious family."
Alexis: "It could be worse, we could be Spencers."

Alexis to V: "In high society, your range range of emotions go from mild amusement to slight boredom."

Alexis to Luke: "It's not that I'm bitter. It's just that I hate you."

Alexis to Jax after he wants a divorce: "I think I'm insulted. No, wait -- I am insulted. What have I done? Haven't I been a good wife? I microwave your popcorn whenever you're hungry. I take laborious hikes with your mother, and I never complain -- much. And I turn a blind eye to your infideli -- which is really my infidelity at the moment because you and Chloe are still really in the flirting stage. Are you cheating on me with someone else?"

Alexis to Luke: "As delightful as chatting with the enemy may be, is there a point to your being here?"
Luke: "Your animal magnetism."

Alexis to Sonny: "I'm not asking you, I'm telling you!"

Alexis: "It's not that we Cassadines aren't clever with words, I mean, we can explain the most complicated philosophical reasoning, but not the simplest emotion. For that we favor arsenic or a gentle push in front of a speeding car."

"You know, Alexis, you're a wonderful woman and you've been a terrific wife, but in the eight months that we've been married, you've acquired 10 years worth of clutter."-Jax

Alexis: "There's nothing like the fear of death to jump-start a relationship."

Ric: I'm sorry. I should've called. Alexis: I was afraid you were dead in a ditch somewhere. Ric: You knew I was with Sonny. Alexis: Correction - shot dead in a ditch somewhere.

Katherine: "You know what finally tipped me off?"
Alexis: "The uncontrollable sneer that overcomes me in your presence?"

Luke: "Oh, I love it when you talk dirty lawyer talk."
Alexis: "Thank you."

Mike: How about a milkshake? Alexis: I'm really trying to eat healthy. Just shred me up some lettuce with a side of chocolate sauce.

Stefan on Nik: "He wants to drop his tutors and attend Port Charles High.
Alexis: "That's awful. What if he starts wearing his baseball cap backward? Wear one of those bookbags over his shoulder that ruins his posture? Good grief, he could even start to rollerblade right toward social equality. Downhill."

Alexis: "Next time you get the urge to visit, do call first."
Luke: "And what? Miss the opportunity of being slapped around by a beautiful woman?"

"You touch my legs and I will kick you in the teeth." -Alexis to Ric

Alexis: "Why don't you go upstairs, get in bed, lie down, close your eyes, and just sleep like a reasonable person."
Sonny: "I got a better idea. Why don't you put me to bed."

Jax: "Do you want to drive?"
Alexis: "No I don't. I want a divorce."

Alexis to Ned: "If I never told you that I love you it's because I thought that it would scare you away. I was so determined not to do that one thing that I was willing to do the other thing in secret. But now that you mention it... I do love you Ned Ashton."

Alexis to Laura: "You don't like me... right now. And that's okay, because I'm not very smitten with you at the moment either. You seem to have such little regard for Stefan, you think nothing at all of making things worse for him.�

Sonny on Alexis: "Listen to me ok...I've seen Alexis work for years, she may be a little off....but she's brilliant at what she does and she'll do anything for her child..even my child..."

Alexis to Sonny: "You're a dangerous man with a dangerous life which I no longer want to be a part of. But the time that I've spent as your lawyer and as your friend I don't consider a waste. In fact, you've given me something that I will cherish for the rest of my life."

"Watching my heart-mate exchange vows with another woman wasn't exactly my idea of a pleasant afternoon."
-Alexis when Ned married Chloe

Alexis to Ric: "You were right. Sonny lied. He bought the inmate's confession. He perjured himself. He manipulated the system and he manipulated me. It's not the first time, but it's going to be the Last."

Alexis: �That's a good thing. Because being photographed in my teddy once in a lifetime is more than enough.�

Alexis to Ned: "Your bride, your empire and your social life all fall in line after me."

Alexis to Sonny: "What on earth entitles you to ask a favor of me after you lied to my face, induced me to suborn perjury, all in the name of your pregnant little girlfriend?"

Alexis to Jax: �All right. Let's review for Gertrude's purposes. We have supper. We have chocolate and we have a gift from heaven.�

"The most important thing about losing someone you love, is it really makes you appreciate the people that are still in your life."

"You're running across the meadow. With the wind in your hair, it's right after the rain... And the light finds the mist and suddenly... The world is a prism. Light explodes everywhere, colors that you've never even dreamed of. Prism is light. Light is Prism. Prism is light. That's what our designs are. I want the singers to shimmer through their clothes as if they were light itself.� -Alexis to Chloe

�Cut the crap, Jax. I'm on to your reindeer games. See, that's what happens when you've been married for a bit.� - Alexis to Jax

"I surround myself in words. I feel very secure with words because I understand them, unlike a number of other things."

Faith: I shot him (Jax) in the leg. I didn't do any permanent damage. He should thank me.
Alexis: A jury won't hear it that way. I promise.
Faith: Why not?
Alexis: Because juries aren't usually made up of criminally insane sociopaths.

"I'm trying to decide if you're the scared, screwed up kid you seem to be, or a liar." - Alexis to Zander

"For a lingerie lawyer? My credibility is shrinking so fast, it'll be smaller than my teddy." - Alexis as Eddie's Angel

�I still can't imagine what made me walk out on our wedding and hurt you the way that I did. Maybe there's just things from my past that keep me from moving forward. It's me. It's always been me, not you.� -Alexis to Ned

"We Cassadines learn to watch our back before we started to walk."

"I'm going to be damned if I'm going to sit and watch you butcher anybody else again." -Alexis to Hellena

"I want someone to tell me what is wrong with my daughter, and then I want them to prescribe a treatment, and if they don't do it, I'm going to sue every doctor who ever glanced at her!" -Alexis finding out Kristina has leukemia

"Jax: Oh, Alexis, he'll be back. No man is crazy enough to let you go. Take me, for example. We were just married for convenience, and I still can't get enough of you." -After Ric leaves Alexis.

"You fool. It would serve you right if I went to Sonny and I told him everything. You think you're unhappy now? How would you like to see my face every day? How would you like to see me and the baby at all of your Thanksgivings or opening presents under your Christmas tree, with a priest at the baby's baptism or sitting together watching a sporting event? You know how traditional he is. How long do you think it'll be before he divorces you and asks me to marry him?" -Alexis to Carly

Alexis to Ric about him and Sonny:
"What is this? Some macho thing? If so, I can say for a fact that yours is bigger!"
Ric: "You'll say anything to get me to stay, won't you?"

Jax: (as Alexis packs) "Strange time to go on vacation."
Alexis: "Actually I'm packing to go into labor."
Jax: "Oh, well, not the same thing, I would guess."
Alexis: "Depends on the vacation."

Alexis: "Stop patronizing me! I can breathe and suffer at the same time."

Alexis: "You're the reason I got on this train in the first place.
Ric: "No, you decided to leave town even though it was after your due date."
Alexis: "You're the reason I couldn't take a plane."
Ric: "You couldn't take a plane because you're pregnant."
Alexis: "I rest my case."

Michael: "Look what Leticia hung up."
Sonny: "Yeah, mistletoe."
Michael: "But you've got to be careful. If you get caught under it, you have to kiss.
(Alexis walks in...)
Alexis: "I know I for one will be watching my step."

Alexis to Jax: "I can't believe you would pick sex over friendship. I knew I should have slept with you."

Ric: "Alexis, you're hot."
Alexis: "Thank you, counselor. I feel the same way about you.


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