My Next Silly Page

Well my friends, hope this you makes you


It comes straight

Thank you Keith...Now...

If you wonder where I have been or what I have been doing, well think?? no more!! (thank you Carmen)

I have been gathering (borrowing a little?) different animations and pictures from Friends & Strangers. I will try to Thank each one of you...I have also been hunting for

 Bears, Moose and

many other "Beanie Babies" such as "Britannia" (unsuccessful) I might add but have been able to get (Garcia) my most treasured of my "little babies" all I have about 160 of these little critters, and they would all love to say

 To (Ashley & Jacob),

My good friend Geraldo (thank you Carolyn, Mike, and Alissa)and would

love to and give him a great big and maybe take a ride in but, let me get

back to REALITY...

Wake up and smell the the "flowers" Nanci!!

Well folks, it is time to make

as I am really, be back. Take that break you have been wanting!

Just can't stay off the telephone can you?

To Be Perfectly Honest...It's the Next DayThe Sun Is Shining & Smiling

 The birds are blooming can you smell them? People smiling (Courtney, Joey and me)

This picture taken in Wallkill , New York at the Bethel Farm in May of 1998. Many thanks to my friend Courtney for driving so many miles and to Joey, for taking time out of his busy schedule to show us, for a little more humor wouldn't it be neat to take a ride in this above ship to go to the (Devon, want to take a ride with me in MY ship?) hee! hee! ha! ha! So, now what else can I think of putting on this page. Let me take a peek into my photo gallery, as right now I feel like reading for awhile, then when I am in the mood to jump up and down...and take you right into my next page, here I will introduce you to some of my FAMILY & since it is getting late, I need to feed Briquette, Katanya (weak from no food) Simba and last but not least, Tigger Jr. ( his friends). So, we will see you on my next page. If you enjoyed this, please email me and let me know what you thinkThanks so much for this award and for this beautiful I will cherish it always. Stay tuned for pictures of family and friends on Nanci's Next Silly Pagesfollow the lady bugs


LAUGHS 1stpage *  LAUGHS 2ndpage * 



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