From the mountains
From the beaches
From the jungle's
Far off reaches.
That roams the untamed lands
From the birds
Whose great wings spanned
The mightiest of rivers
And the lengths of the sea
From Africa
~and from me~
Our cry goes out
To our brother and our son
To his family, To his kin,
To his friends
Every one.
"Remember with pride this son of ours
Whose joy and whose love like April showers
Rained down on us all.
Both big and small
And recall forever this man.  So tall."
And when you hear the wind sigh
The pitter-patter of rain..
Know he is speaking
And whilst never again
Will we feel his hands holding -
- His eyes watching as we sleep -
He is in God's lap
In His tender keep.

RIP Chris...
Loved and remembered by his S. African friend
Out of Africa
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