From Sunshine to Nightsky
They say that if you are really lucky, once in a lifetime someone walks softly through your life who touches it so profoundly that you are forever changed for the better.  They leave their gentle footprints upon the sands of your soul.  I did not believe that until the powers that be brought you into my life.  Your friendship has given me many gifts that no one could. Wings, the courage to dream & risk, strength, confidence, security, a glimpse of the world outside and most of've given me back ME. You have helped me feel the sacredness and vibrant life energy that the Creator has put within each of us.  For these precious treasures and so much more, I thank you.  The only gift I have to give in return, is an eternal place for you within my heart.  That you have.  No matter where this journey takes us, know that I will always be within reach should you need.  Your presence in my life is a cherished gift I guard fiercely and will never take lightly.  You are my nightsky, dark and seemingly unfathomable, yet if my spirit is still and attentive, brilliant, shimmering points of healing white light appear that etch themselves indelibly upon my soul.  My prayer is that your journey is long and brings you all the happiness your heart can hold.
  May the spirits, of the Blue Heron, the medicine bird, bring you healing, of the Eagle lend you his wings so that you might soar, of the Bear give you strength, of the Wolf bring you a lifemate to share with you and comfort you.  May earth mother nourish & nurture you, father sky watch over you, grandmother moon light the darkness, grandfather sun give you warmth and the Creator bring you peace and soothe your soul.
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