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06122801.htm Copsychus malabaricus, White-rumped shama, 白腰鵲鴝, Bai yao que qu, Murai batu

Scientific name: Copsychus malabaricus(28,100 My Bird)

English name: White-rumped shama(21,100), Shama thrush(287), White-rumped shama thrush(12)

Chinese name: 白腰鵲鴝, Bai yao que qu(142)

Malay name: Murai batu(51), Murai rimba(26)

Photograph, 照片, Zhao pian, Gambar foto:
http://www.nfss.org/Birds/Bd-photos/Softbills/Thrushes/Shama/WR-Shama-F-1-voeltz.jpg Copsychus malabaricus
http://nature.kl.edu.tw/attachment.php?s=3c3422580f531daa17842883f881748f&postid=344312 Copsychus malabaricus
http://www.worldbirder.com/photo/photos/1648.jpg Copsychus malabaricus

By: nswong

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