06120801.htm Clinacanthus nutans, Snake plant, 鰐嘴花, E zui hua, Gendis

Scientific name: Clinacanthus nutans(900), Clinacanthus burmanni(31), Clinacanthus burmani(3)

English name: Snake plant(12)

Chinese name: 鰐嘴花, E zui hua(12), 扭序花, Niu xu hua(8), 竹節黃, Zhu jie huang(7), 小接骨, Xiao jie gu(3), 柔刺草, Rou ci cao(3), 青箭, Qing jian(2), 鵝嘴花, E zui hua(1), 憂遁草, You dun cao(1), 沙巴蛇草, Sha ba she cao(1)

Malay name: Gendis(45)

Photograph, 照片, Zhao pian, Gambar foto:
http://www.snpthai.com/pic/phayayo.jpg Clinacanthus nutans
http://www.phuketjettour.com/herbs/images/payayu.jpg Clinacanthus nutans
http://toptropicals.com/pics/garden/05/6/6893.jpg Clinacanthus nutans

http://hulu.com.tw/dvbbs7/boke.asp?kpa.showtopic.84.98.html Clinacanthus nutans
沙巴蛇草能治療尿酸,尿 毒等腎臟病。南部最近 流行以沙巴蛇草,綠莧,錦 怡心草為主劑治療尿毒 症之洗腎患者,其尿毒指 數能明顯的下降,沙巴蛇 草煎煮後的湯液,會有一 股輕微臭味,還好並不會 苦口。

http://www.gx18.cn/bbs/index.asp?action=View_topics&id=407&forumid=1 Clinacanthus nutans
性能 甘,平。利湿退黄 ,祛风邪,除湿毒,止 痛,逐淤消肿。
主治 黄病,臌胀,风湿 骨痛,跌打骨折。
用法用量 内服:3~9克, 水煎服。外用:适量, 捣烂敷患处,或煎水外 洗。
①黄病:青箭9克,茵陈15 克,栀子10克,泽泻10克, 水煎服,每日1剂。
②臌胀:青箭9克,穿山 甲15克,青皮8克,水煎服 ,每日1剂。

http://www.100md.com/Html/Dir0/16/63/19.htm Clinacanthus nutans
【功 效】:利黄退湿、 祛风除湿止痛、逐瘀消 肿。
【主 治】:治黄疸型肝 炎,跌打骨折,风湿疼 痛。
【性味归经】:《中草 药植物》:“甘平。”入肝、 脾、肾经
【用法用量】:内服: 煎汤,1~3钱。外用:捣 敷或煎水洗。

http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=620&taxon_id=200021997 Clinacanthus nutans
用途: 全株入药,有调经 、消肿、去瘀、止痛、 接骨之效,治跌打、风 湿、黄疸、贫血等

http://www.cbik.org/YNmedicine/Default_more.asp?Page=1&search_fd0=1964 Clinacanthus nutans
功用特性 续筋接骨, 跌打 损伤,强壮补肾.
药用部位 全草。
使用方法 全草水煎服,外 用适量捣烂敷.

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=199949 Clinacanthus nutans
Clinacanthus nutans Burm, a herb reputed in Thailand and Malaysia to be "snakebite antidote" has been tested in vitro and in vivo for antivenin activity. The aqueous extract of C. nutans leaves has been found to have no effect on the inhibition of neuromuscular transmission produced by purified Naja naja siamensis neurotoxin in isolated rat phrenic-nerve diaphragm preparations. The extract of C. nutans, when given orally or intraperitoneally, are ineffective in prolonging the survival time of experimental mice receiving lethal doses of N.n. siamensis crude venom. Oral administrations of the herb extracts pretreated with alpha-amylase or beta-amylase also fail to protect the animal. It is concluded that the extract of C. nutans can not antagonize the action of cobra venom.

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=8576675&dopt=Abstract Clinacanthus nutans
A randomized, placebo-controlled trial of the efficacy of topical formulation of Clinacanthus nutans (Bi Phaya Yaw) extract was carried out in 51 patients with varicella-zoster virus infection. The study medication was applied five times daily for 7-14 days until the lesions were healed. The number of patients with lesion crusting within 3 days and with lesion healing within 7 days and 10 days were significantly greater in the C. nutans extract-treated group than the placebo group (p < 0.01). Pain scores were reduced more rapidly in the C. nutans extract-treated group than in the placebo group. There were no side effects of the study medication.

http://www.actahort.org/books/680/680_18.htm Clinacanthus nutans
The anti-inflammatory activity of extracts from Garcinia mangostana Linn., Nyctanthes arbortristis Linn., Cyperus rotundus L. and Clinacanthus nutans (Burm.f.) Lindau were tested in mice using carrageenan induced paw edema. All extracts (5 g/kg, p.o.) had anti-inflammatory activity at 3 h (P>0.01) and 6 h (P>0.001).

http://toptropicals.com/catalog/uid/clinacanthus_nutans.htm Clinacanthus nutans
Clinacanthus nutans, or Phaya-Yor in Thai, has been traditionally used in Thailand for the treatment of Herpes infections. In addition this herb also exhibits an excellent and rapid-acting anti-inflammatory activity which makes Clinacanthus nutans topical product a good natural product for the relief of minor skin inflammation and insect bites well.

By: nswong


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