HABITAT Pigeons (also called Rock Doves) prefer cities, towns and rural areas and generally wherever humans are close by. They are not migratory. Check old abandoned buildings they are likely to be roosting up there and will not care if you are there and you can pick them off. The local gravel pit is the next best place to find them they like to eat seeds and insects and wash it down with bits of rock. Pigeons are cliff-dwellers. So they balance their messy nests of sticks inside the guts of bridges, or atop tall buildings, or on top of your air conditioner. An advantage of the "city life" is the presence of building ledges, rafters, beams and bridged. Rock Doves will build nests of sticks, twigs and grasses in these areas or in naturally occuring cliffs or caves. They prefer to breed and roost in groups since they are quite social. DIET Bait - Scatter some grain/seeds on the ground and put 2 pigeon decoys on the ground at the feed. Diet is mostly seeds with lesser quantities of green plant matter or insects. Rock Doves are all-around adaptable birds. They are able to exploit the many advantages that urban areas have to offer. They feed not only on grain, green leaves and invertebrates, but also on the goodies that people provide such as bread crumbs, popcorn, peanuts and cake. Individuals may sample several feeding sites, and they might even settle temporarily in an area should the availability of food be especially good. HOW TO HUNT Use one or two decoys as lofters. Find a group of trees on your shoot that the pigeons use. Then place a couple into the tree on a pole or suitable long cane such as used for runner beans in the garden (tie two together0 then mount the decoy on the end. The remaining decoys are located below the tree but out in the field at the distance you can accuratly shoot. Make a Hide with branches or a cammo net. Get comfortable then wait. They may not come to the decoys on the ground but will often drop into the tree above to check things out. This can then give you a clear shot.