N2UHC's Radio Stuff Blog
What's new at amateur station N2UHC
Entry for June 24, 2007
Well this weekend I participated in Field Day at Twin Bridges State Park in NE Oklahoma.  I camped there with some members of the Four State QRP Group.  We strung up antennas in the trees and operated QRP CW.  I arrived Friday morning and put up a multiband inverted V dipole strung from a portable flagpole.  My homebrew Multiwonder worked quite well all weekend.  I used a solar panel to keep a gel cell battery charged up, and I don't think the battery's voltage ever dropped below 12V.

Saturday morning it rained for a few hours, but after it cleared off we had nice, relatively cool weather for the rest of the day.  I didn't make a lot of contacts but enjoyed making a few QSO's.  At times I got on 30 meters and did some ragchewing.  I even worked a Cuban station.  I heard some other DX there, but with my 2 watts I was unable to break the pileup.

Sunday morning shortly after breakfast I packed up everything and headed home.  I was glad I did, too, since the day turned very hot.

One thing is for sure, I really enjoy camping and operating QRP.  I just hope I can find the time to do it again before next Field Day.
2007-06-26 02:47:16 GMT
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