The Bourne Identity (2001)

Australian Cinema Release: 26th September 2002

Australian DVD/Video Release: 12th March 2003

Stars: Matt Damon, Franka Potente (Run Lola Run), Julia Stiles (Julia's role is essentially a cameo appearance)

Director: Doug Liman (Go)

Story: based on the novel by Robert Ludlum

Running Time: 119 mins

Filmed At: Prague, Paris, Italy, Greece

Distributor: Universal

The Story:

The story opens as an amnesiac (Damon) is rescued at sea by the crew of an Italian fishing boat. Nearly dead, he carries only the bullets in his back and the bank account number implanted in his hip. Although completely without identity or background, he does possess an array of extraordinary talents in fighting, linguistics and self defence that speak of a dangerous past. He sets out on a desperate search to discover who he really is, and why so many people want him dead.

Did You Know?

Julia spent a week filming in Prague and has about five minutes total screen time, which is not as bad as it sounds as she appears frequently throughout the film. Her character Nicky is the CIA's contact in Paris. It's a bit of a fashion parade for Julia - she appears in a different outfit in just about every scene!

There are no opening credits in the film, only the title sheet

The Bourne Identity was also filmed in 1988, and starred Richard Chamberlain and Jaclyn Smith. Julia's character Nicolette was not in the original!

Robert Ludlum wrote two other books in the Bourne series: The Bourne Supremacy and The Bourne Ultimatum, which are also to be adapted to film

Ludlum died in March 2001, aged 73

Visit the Official The Bourne Identity site here where you can view the trailer. Very slick site, but has no mention of Julia at all!!

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