GED Talk
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Entry for July 4, 2007
Happy Independence Day! The day that you receive your GED will certainly feel something like the Fourth of July. A very happy day indeed. On to the next level. Pre-GED, Level 2 - Beginning Basic Education, grade level 2.0 - 3.9. Description. *Individual can read and print numbers and letters, but has limited understanding of connected prose and may need frequent re-reading, can write sight words and copy lists of familiar words and phrases. *NRS Manual. The adult learners  in this group have a range of beginning second grade to end of third grade reading and math skills. They can actually be classified as readers. Understanding a simple reading selection is still very difficult. They usually must read the same information several times before it is understood.  Next time, Level 3. Lynne. Check out my website,  
2007-07-04 17:55:24 GMT

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