GED Talk
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Entry for June 25, 2007

Classes are over for summer vacation for most GED students. Like most people I know you're looking forward to putting the books away until September. I'm here to tell you that doing that would be a great mistake. Why? Because the summer months, when you don't have to go to class is the perfect time for your brain to forget nearly all of the information that you tried so hard to get it to understand and remember. Unfortunately, this is particularly the case for those of us who have reached a certain age. That plus all the responsibilties we usually have, is a wonderful catalyst for forgeting about our studies.I have rarely met a student who wasn't in a hurry to get their GED. When you don't keep up with your studies for any length of time, you just fall further and further behind. Causing you to have to spend more time in class, when you could be spending that time on your dream So, since you won't be attending class, use that time to read, study, or review your notes from the prior year. There are many good sites for learning on the internet. You can take a look at my site at I'm still working on it, but there is good information on it. It's not over until you have that certificate in your hand. See you next time, Lynne.

2007-06-26 00:11:12 GMT

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