GED Talk
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Entry for July 19, 2007
Tadah! The absolute highest level. Level 6 - High Adult Seconadry Education, grade level 11.0-12.9. Description: *Indiviual can comprehend, explain and analyze information from a variety of literacy works, including primary source materials and professional journals, can use context cues nd higher order processes to intrepret meaning of written material. writing is cohesive which clearly expresses ideas supported by relevant details, can use varied and complex sentence structure with few mechanical errors. *NRS Manual. Students are able to read difficult material with understanding. They are able to write original essays which make sense to readers. Have a good working knowledge of grammar and punctuation. These students are the most qualified to take and pass the GED. Levels 5 and 6 are combined as one actual GED class. It takes alot of work to get here. But it is doable for most people. Remember anything worth having is worth working for. After it's done, you feel so good about what you have achieved. Til next time, Lynne.
2007-07-20 01:02:21 GMT

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