Being Neal Sample
Sort of like "Being John Malkovich," but for my own head.
Best disc golf course in the world!

 Course Name: DeLaveaga Park  (Santa Cruz, CA)

Number of holes: 27

Description:  World class course; painfully tough!  Lots of tight shots, large trees, cliffs, poison oak, etc.  All holes (even 550 ft shots) are par 3.

You're looking at one of my favorite holes at the course.  Trust me, it's there.  By the red arrow. Image

2005-02-10 22:21:16 GMT
Comments (7 total)
Author:eric wu
i wanna go disc golf. have you been to the one in san leandro. it's pretty ok. the berkeley one likes to eat my discs in the water. good thing the raft man will sell me new ones.
2005-02-10 23:00:21 GMT
Author:Neal Sample
Yah, new ones come from the van guy in Santa Cruz. I think he gets 7 or 8 bucks a piece. Sometimes, you can find them with your name on 'em, and then they're cheaper. Driscoll wants to go, too? Next weekend?
2005-02-10 23:59:29 GMT
Author:eric wu
going snowboarding next weekend. maybe monday tho? to celebrate all the dead and rotting presidents
2005-02-11 00:08:15 GMT
Author:Neal Sample
Do we get dead president's day off?! That'd be nice.
2005-02-11 02:19:06 GMT
I may sound like a broken record, but have you posted a review for this golf in local???:)
2005-02-11 03:39:49 GMT
Author:Neal Sample
Ahh, big F, keeping us honest! I would love to post a review in L, but I can't find it there. ;)
2005-02-11 05:59:04 GMT
First, I am not big F, second, if you had really made a search in local, you would have seen that you can now post a listing for free in local (even if you are not the business owner):) You have no more excuse. -F (without the big:))
2005-02-11 22:39:38 GMT
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