Being Neal Sample
Sort of like "Being John Malkovich," but for my own head.
James, my sweet

James Berry: There?

James Berry: Hey ... you back?

James Berry: I NEED you Neal!

James Berry: You;re never there when I NEED you!

James Berry: Don't you love me any more?

James Berry: Who is she Neal?  WHO IS SHE!

James Berry: Don't lie to me!  I've seen how you look when you get back from your "poker" games!

James Berry: My god!  I can't believe I didn't see it before ... you don't have any friends ... how could you have a poker game without any friends?!?!

James Berry: Got I'm such an idiot!  My mother warned me not to get involved with you.  She's always right.  Why don't I ever listen to her.

James Berry: Now I'm going to have to listen to her go on and on and on with her "I told you so's"

James Berry: Oh ... wait .. there you are ...

2005-01-26 01:16:58 GMT
Comments (4 total)
You are all freaks. That is all.
2005-01-26 02:22:28 GMT
Author:Tonia T
foo and blah
2005-01-26 05:06:54 GMT
Author:neal sample
Foo and blah? You don't say!
2005-01-27 06:49:17 GMT
Author:James Berry
Tonia does say! And you should listen to her ... biatch! ::or something::
2005-01-29 03:21:48 GMT
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