Do You Believe in Angels
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What are angels?
What are the different types of angels?
They are sent from heaven to guide and protect us from evils.They are dressed in white.They have \white beautiful wings. And of course, a "halo" over their heads.
Angels are the guardians of hope and wonder, the keeper of magic and dreams.�Angels are with us every step of the way and help us soar with amazing grace.  Afterall, we are angels in training; all we have to do is to spread our wings and fly.   We need not to see them to believe that they are real, we just have to look inside our hearts and we will surely find one.
Angels have touched our hearts, that most of us collect any memorabilia of them, from posters to figurines.
Let me share with you some informations about them.
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Who's your guardian angel?
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