         What exactly is Griever? Take a look at the picture above. THAT is Griever. It appears on four items that belong to Squall - his gunblade, his ring, his necklace, and the gunblade case. Griever literally is an animal equivalent, or representation of Squall himself - the tall, silent, and strong type. A natural borne leader if you will. Interestingly enough, Griever also isn't really Griever, as is nothing else that you can name. You can change Griever's name, which is a little odd but funny just the same. Once you get to the final battle, you will also notice that Ultimecia names her ultimate GF Griever. Why is this? This is for many reasons, all of which I speculate. Ultimecia must know (From posessing Rinoa) how Squall ticks - his general mindset, his actions, and overall behavior. She names the GF Griever to mess with Squall's mind. The final battle involving Griever and Squall is basically another version of a conflict within the self. Squall is fighting himself - his spirit, determination, and all that he believes in - Griever. Throughout the entire game, Squall relies on the strength of Griever to help him through the rough times. What is ironic is that Squall seems to avoid Griever and anything to deal with him, running away from his fears, and ending up in the arms of his friends, who openly welcome and want him.
To the left is a picture of Squall's gunblade, the Griever chain, the gunblade case with the large Griever symbol, and of course, the bullets
To the right is a picture of Squall behind his gunblade. On the blade itself is a flaming Griever symbol that is noticeable in many of the items that Squall owns.
Here is something to reminisce over. Griever is in Squall's posession most of the game, until it is given to the posessed Rinoa who transforms it to the Griever you see at the end of the game. If Griever is a pigment of Squall's imagination "so to speak," why doesn't Squall just change? Imagine if his actions affected Griever. That is interesting if you ask me.
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