
Serious Literature

Humorous Works
ACME Law Joke: A fictional court brief by Ian Frazier filed by Mr. Wiled E. Coyote against ACME for dishonestly selling defective products.

Life is a Vacuum: Author Rob Krider humorously explains how he was sucked into doing what his wife wanted.

The Reunion: What is the point of a reunion? We all know they suck. But at least they will produce a few laughs.

Turkey Tips: A list of turkey-selecting tips. By avoiding these common turkey mistakes, you'll have a greater chance of generation leftovers and sidestepping indigestion.

Going Bowling: All Rob Krider wants to do is bowl, honest. Is that too much to ask? Why, yes it is.

Do not look into the Junk Drawer: The Queen of Stash: One person's junk drawer is another person's obstacle

Look out for the 80's: How the greatest invention of all time, roller skates, almost killed Rob Krider.

Kill Your TV: It is a sad day when a family member dies: the TV.

volunteering Sucks: Is it really worth it to volunteer?

1984, by George Orwell: This is an ebook. The story has more of a scary humor than anything else.

Works by Mr. Poe
The Fall of the House of Usher: By Edgar Allan Poe (1839). A scary short story.

The Raven: The poem, The Raven, by Edgar Allan Poe.

Essays and Articles
The e Story: A theoretical work relating the number e to real life.

We are the Web: A serious work describing the future of the internet. The freaky thing is that the author accurately predicts the Web 2.0 movement. If his second prediction becomes true, then the future will be pleasing.

The Darker side of the SAT: An article investigating the negative history of the College Board and their SAT test.

When the Internet Shatters: An article proposing the effects of a centralized internet.

Volunteer for Folding At Home: You can volunteer your computer's time to save the world.

My Great Expectations: A humorous story after the novelist Charles Dickens. The descriptions are so over-the-top, it is funny.

Humorous Poems
The following poems seek to make fun of classical poetry by being over-the-top. They are more of an ode to their respective subjects than to the individual described therein.
Mexican Math Woman

Indian Physics Woman

Mexican HTML Woman

Chess Woman

Arabian Poker Woman

Canadian Literature Woman

Filipino Biology Woman

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