
The Bush Dictionary

Yes, it is here, "Bush Dictionary" will not only help you in English, "buts" you can use to understand what the heck Bush is saying. Maybe, if we know what words he was speading, we would not have let him attack Iraq! algore-ithym (noun) -- a procedure solving an electoral problem in which someone who receives more popular
Marriam-webster's Bushe Dictionary
votes believes he can be declared winner of an election. anecdotes -- stories told to relieve economic hardship. Example: "A tax cut is really one of the anecdotes to coming out of an economic illness." anti-Semantic -- a wrong accusation made against both me and my Dad. Arctic Wildlife Refuge -- former name of the 50,000,000 acre BP Industrial Park. British -- a language that kind of sounds like English. butterfly ballots -- an extremely confusing system in which a voter must punch a hole beside the name of his/her candidate of choice. Canada -- Who? chad (noun) -- the subject of James Baker's PhD thesis in college. Chi-knees -- a communist state that does wonders with sweet and sour sauce. compassionated -- having received a monthly injection of compassion. A compassionated conservative. dimpled chads -- a couple of rascals that almost gave Al Gore the election. Dubya -- 23rd letter of alphabet or thereabouts embetterment (noun) -- The condition in which the lives of people is more good than before. Synonyms: disemworsenment, unimprovementlessness. Enron -- never heard of 'em. execution -- my job as president means I am chief executive (after Cheney.) Therefore, I will execute to the best of my ability and as often as possible, like I did in Texas. exxonerate (verb) -- to go easy on a company for spilling oil all over the place. Eye-rack -- a country over there somewhere in the Middle East that has a bad habit of threatening global stability just before national elections. Eye-ran -- another country out that way which is located just below Eye-rack on the axis of evil. foreign policy -- bombing guys we don't like and giving bombs to people we do like. Fourth of Jew-lie -- Independence Day. No school! The French -- a bunch of guys noted for their whine. All they do is whine at us at the You In. Still, I like their food, especially their fries and toast. global warming -- a chance for Minnesotans to golf in January. Grecians -- 1) people of Greece. 2) the guys who invented the formula. hispanically (adverb) -- pertaining to an ethnic group. See Liechtensteinly, Luxembourgly, and Burkina Fasoly. hispano -- (masculine adjective) -- referring to a hispanically descended person. See herspana. hyporhetorical -- relating to two or more rhetorics. "Those are two hyporhetorical questions." Injuns -- our good allies always on the brink of war with our other good allies the Packistanis. IRA agents -- bunch of Irish terrorists linked to Al Gore's tax plan. Example: "Al Gore's tax plan would require numerous IRA agents." is -- third person plural of the verb 'to be', i.e., "Is your children learning?" Is Ray ill -- The Jewish state. Japan -- birthplace of my favorite intellectual pursuit -- Sony Playstation. Kee-o-tow -- a treaty based on the mistaken principle
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that global warming is a bad thing. liberal (noun) -- a hairy-legged granola-eater like Colin Powell. marican (adjective) -- Relating to the United States. The marican people, the marican way. Mexican - language spoken down there somewhere. "Neither in French, nor in English, nor in Mexican." misunderestimate (verb) -- to not overmisjudge. more few -- less many. multilateralists -- a group of weird people who do things I don't even want to get into. nucular (adjective) -- Pertaining to a type of weapon that allows the world to sleep at night when we have them, but opens it up to all kinds of trouble when they get into places like North Korea. ooch along -- A verb used to measure the pace of something, i.e., "The economy is ooching along." pacemaker (noun) -- America's role in the new world order. "We'll let the other countries of the world be the peacekeepers and the great country called America be the pacemakers." Parisites -- residents of Paris. peaceful coexistence -- the enduring dream of mankind. "I know that the human being and fish can coexist peacefully." Pootin -- leader of the Rushins. pregnant chads -- I had nothing to do with it. I love my wife. put food on -- the job of every breadwinner. "I know how hard it is for you to put food on your family." Q-wait -- Democratic country led by a freedom-loving regime Dad helped save in 1991 from Saa-daam Who-sane and Eye-Rack. resignate -- to signate repeatedly. "This issue really resignates with the American people." responsible -- taking collective control of my actions. "I am responsible for all of my mistakes. And so are you." Rushins -- our new friends and allies who we don't trust. Saa-daam Who-sane -- 1) Leader of Eye-rack 2) living embodiment of all things evil, prince of darkness, personification of wickedness 3) a very, very bad man. She-rack -- Jack She-rack, the guy who is head of France. Slovakia, Slovenia -- synonyms for some country out there in the middle of Yurp somewhere. stratitjeory - an elaborate and systematic plan of action, i.e., a stratijeory to attack liberate another country. subliminable (adjective) -- The lowest form of liminable messaging. Example: "The idea of putting subliminable messages into ads is ridiculous." terriers and barriffs -- dangerous breeds of anti-free-traders. Example: "I will work towards ending terriers and barriffs everywhere across the world." Tex-ass -- state where I had the privilege of executing as governor. that guy in Germany -- Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder. See also that dude in Denmark, that fellow in Finland, and that bloke in Bahrain. uninalienable (adjective) -- A legal resident of a country, i.e., An uninalienable American. "We hold dear what our Declaration of Independence says, that all have got uninalienable rights, endowed by a Creator." uniter (noun) -- Someone who comes up with policies so divisive that they unite the whole world against him. vulcanize (verb) -- to turn the United States into its worst nightmare, a vulcanized society or one in which individuals behave in a manner similar to Mr. Spock from Star Trek. where wings take dream -- self-explanatory phrase . "Families is where our nation finds hope, where wings take dream." See also 'where divisions take house' and 'where divergences take road.' You In -- Inconsequential organization comprised of other nations based abroad in New York City. Yurp -- A continent filled with funny-talking Yurpeans.
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