Touche' is sired by UKC Ch Unir van Sprangerhof out of UKC Ch Fakaiser's Yana d' Yoconde, bred by Pat Morgan and whelped March 3, 2007. Touche' is owned by Sheila Walker and Pat Morgan. To visit Unir and Yana's webpages, click on their respective pictures.
UAGII UKC CH Unir van Spranger Hof CGC JHD,RA RL1X RL2 NA , TN-N CL3-R CL4-H,S,F  (Imp Netherland) UKC Ch Fakaiser's Yana d' Yoconde CL-F (Imp Norway)
Touche' at 8 weeks at Winjammerland
Touche'- First Day in Oregon
@ 9 weeks
Touche' at exactly 3 months
Touche at 14 weeks
Where is the Toy Boy?!
Touche'almost 4 months
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