Our daughter died at her own battlefield. She was killed in action fighting a civil war. She fought against adversities that were as real to her as the cemetery is real to us. They were powerful adversaries. They took toll of her energies and endurance. They exhausted the last vestiges of her courage and her strength. At last these adversaries overwhelmed her. And it appeared that she had lost the war. But did she? I see a host of victories that she has won! 

For one thing, she has won our admiration – because even if she lost the war, we give her credit for her bravery on the battlefield. And we give her credit for the courage and pride and hope that she used as her weapons as long as she could. We shall remember not her death, but her daily victories gained through her kindness and thoughtfulness, through her love for her family and friends…..for all things beautiful, lovely and honorable. We shall remember not her last day of defeat, but we shall remember the many days that she was victorious over overwhelming odds. We shall remember not the years we thought she had left, but the intensity with which she lived the years that she had. Only God knows what this child of his suffered in the silent skirmishes that took place in her soul. But our consolation is THAT GOD DOES KNOW, AND UNDERSTANDS.


My Angel, My Angel
Why have you gone?
I needed you here
For all the new dawns. 

You loved to laugh
You hid your pain.
I loved to be with you,
But to no gain. 

When I next see you
I’ll not refrain.
From holding you close
and never let go again...

Mom xo 


For you Chan, every occasion was an event to celebrate.
For us, your birthday was and always will be an occasion to celebrate
You taught us the value of unconditional love and family.
We were truly blessed to have your love while you lived on earth. 

We are now blessed to have your love as our special angel.
You watch over us and show us the way on our journey through life.
We cherish our memories of you and remember always your gift to us..
The greatest gift of all...........LOVE

Mom xo


Once upon a time a beautiful daughter was born unto me,
She brought so much joy and love till her death at age seventeen. 

My heart remains so heavy since that day when she died,
I know it’s weighted with more tears that I have yet to cry. 

Outwardly, I’m moving along; you say, “that’s good to see”.
But you don’t know about the quiet times when I’m alone with me. 

I think about her passing, how I’ll never be the same –
Sorrow is a part of my life, it enters daily as I whisper Chan’s name. 

Oh yes, I smile, I laugh, and I go to work each day
As I carry on with my life in a façade kind of way. 

For behind my outward appearance, way down deep inside my soul
Is the pain that’s with me always, for the child I long to hold. 

One day passes another, the years will continue on
I’ve had days of joy and laughter, but in my silence it’s her I reflect on. 

I’m not the “me” that I once knew, I changed two years ago,
When life showed me the suffering and pain no one should ever know. 

Yes, once upon a time, a beautiful daughter was born unto me,
And I thought I’d live happily ever after, but I can’t……

For what I want most can never, ever be.

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