Yet More Poetry
Love Or Something Like It
eatured in's Best Poems & Poets of 2004

It's about as friendly
as whiplash
and always knocks you
off your feet every time
you stand against it.
It has no discernable
form or function
yet it permeates
so insidiously
every crevice
of your so-called life.
You don't mind
especially in winter.
On cold nights you invite it in
without even asking its name.
But the next time
you lay helplessly on the floor
consoling your wounded ego
look up and see
if she still has a glow about her.

Letting Go

You, with entirely too much seriousness,
butter your toast,
knife digging deeply, repeatedly
into that brightly colored tub with the little blue flowers on it.
Maybe, if you dig long enough
you'll find forgiveness in there.
It's as good a place as any you've tried lately.
It hurts a little to look at you
because you look at me
like I'm channeling her
on purpose.
I look away, out the window
or down the road
to what seems like an increasingly improbable time
when we are older and wiser
and have freed ourselves
from the self-conscious entanglement
of misspent youth.

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