My name is Dani and I'd like to welcome you to my ever-evolving website. In a past life its purpose was to promote the book of poetry I wrote last year. As a reward for faithfully meeting that end, karmic ascension has been achieved and this website now has a new, expanded purpose in life. In its present incarnation, it exists as a space for all things creative. (Well, as much space as a free website can provide.)

Presently, I am involved in several creative projects that I very happily dedicate my time to. Obviously, I write. That has always been my first love so needless to say I was thrilled when a collection of my poetry was published this year by PublishAmerica. Subsequently,I have been trying my best to promote the book knowing full well that PR is not one of my strong points. I am also in the very early stages of planning my next book. Although  rewarding, writing a book is hard, time-consuming work so this planning stage may continue for an unnatural period of time while I brace myself for the year ahead.

I also like to paint, which has proven itself to be a very convenient counterpoint to writing. Although I have been painting for about 1 year and am entirely self taught, my work has been surprisingly well received. I have sold 2 pieces this year and I have been invited, along with my mother-in-law Brenda, to participate in a local art exhibit in December. We are also in the process of seeking out interest at other local galleries and coffee houses. You can view samples of our work on this site.

My talents in music are pretty much limited to listening to it, but I think I do that very well.

I want this site to be inspiring and fun. To that end, I've included links to some of my favorite music, TV, and general interest sites. You can also give your inner child a recess break on my Fun & Games page. My friends and family are on display on my picture page. Fully exploring this site should give you a pretty clear picture of my present life, which I am more than happy to share.


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