Gifts I've given
Here's a list of things I've drawn for people, I'm just a nice guy... *is pelted with fruit*
Gifts given to me (Newest at top)
These are liitle things I've recieved from people.... I love you all. No really I dooooo....
This would be a sig I made for a message board member!
Something I...*coughs*... deleivered for dear michelle on her birthday!
Another sig I made for some...unknown person over aim... o_o;;
An old old pic of michelles I decided to colour one day.... out of the goodness of my heart of course *grins*
hhe haaaaw, a gift from good ol' shane on my birthday. Hup, Hup!!!
A couple of wierd chibis I made for tam and her brilliantey siteoooo named 'Chibidex'
lol, this little comic still makes me giggle, "rip rip rip rip rip"... XD Tams made this for my birthday
Shane again makes me this uber doodie pic for my birthday..... *hunts luke*
Purity made me this for my birthday, EVERYONE, LOVE PURITY NOW!!!
The same chibi made for tams site... dyaaaaw, what big hair he has.
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A little eye candy for the oh so gracious tammy on her birthday, he he
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