Sketches (Newest at top)
I plan to ink this... sometime!
Shading uncomplete....
something not quite right...
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aaah, it's always nice to add the bizzare to the fantasy world.
GAAAAAAAHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *ducks*
He posed, and he ment it.... DAM, MEN AND THERE STAFFS ARE SO HOT....... stop staring at me!
Boogle is insatiable....
FLARES... yes flares... higly intimidating when hunting for prey o.0
**WARNING** If you are easily offended by nudity, don't click this picture - Through my first love revisit depression crap, I was inspired to draw this. Ever seen A Beautiful Thing, then you'll understand.
**WARNING** If you are easily offended by nudity, then don't click on this picture - I was feeling naughty, so i drew a little sweet angelness.
Another little sentimate to first love, you always remember it.
The cuteness is just sickening. I think I was on something... o.o
I exagerated everything here, IT'S FUUUN.... try it, you will enjoy.
The face is not a ghost, it's something that I started and never finished, don't let it put you off... =D
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