Frank's Tour

Battle Road Retreat

Battle Road

The Battle Road and the bordering land areas remains in great condition due in large part to the efforts of the National Park Service and of the towns of Lexington, Lincoln and Concord.

The Battle Road still generally follows the same route, passing the sites of the bitterest fighting of April 19, 1775. On their route back to Lexington from the skirmish at Concord Bridge, the British suffered grievously from sniping, their flanking maneuvers being insufficient to prevent ambushes. The road back turned into a gauntlet as the embattled farmers from "every Middlesex village and farm" sniped from behind stone walls, trees, barns and houses. At Lexington a relief column under Brigadier-General Hugh Percy lessened the pressure, although there were renewed attacks on the route back to Boston. The British soldiers lost 293 souls during the retreat to Boston following the skirmish at the North Bridge in Concord. The colonists lost 95. The Colonials' force had grown from ~70 at the Lexington Green, when the British passed on their way to Concord, to close to 4,000 following the call to arms by Prescott, Dawes and also Revere prior to his detainment.

Minute Man National Historical Park preserves and protects the significant historic sites, structures, properties and landscapes associated with the opening battles of the American Revolution - over 900 acres of land winding along original segments of the Battle Road from April 19, 1775.

The National Park Service maintains tours, visitor centers, and excellent exhibits in the area.

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