Muslims With Herpes Support Page

Muslims and Herpes

It may come as a surprise to some people to find a webpage devoted to Muslims who have Herpes. The fact is, that Muslims, like all human beings, are dealing with a variety of problems which they may have trouble finding someone to talk to about. Having an as yet uncured virus that is as socially stigmatizing as Herpes poses a number of difficulties for someone who belongs to a moral/religious community such as the followers of Islam. 

Herpes is socially stigmatizing because it is usually associated with participating in illicit sexual activities. While this may or may not always be the case for those who have contracted the disease, the fact is that Islam is a religion of constant repentance and forgiveness. In such a religion, the stigma should not hinder the faithful from gaining social support for their medical needs. 

The Purpose of this Site

The purpose of this site is to provide an initial level of social/spiritual support for Muslims with Herpes. I believe the internet provides an appropriate forum for such Muslims to network, share resources, and encourage each other to live an Islamic lifestyle despite any medical challenges. 

Some of the things we hope to provide on this site are: 

  1. Questions and Answers regarding Muslims with Herpes
  2. Discussion on Conditions for Marriage Among Muslims With Herpes
  3. Coping with Herpes 
  4. Matrimonial networking for Muslims with Herpes looking for spouses
  5. Links to sites that provide medical information pertaining to Herpes

How it will Work

Basically, I must admit that there are probably better suited webmasters to attempt such a support page. And I encourage anyone who can do a better job to please do so. But in the mean time we would simply like to get something started that will help us to achieve the goals stated above. 

The way I intend for this to work is for those who are interested in participating in this site to email me at the address below. I can then post the part of the text that should be published. Those who submit something should indicate whether they would like their email address made public or not. I do reserve the right to anonymously publish any part of an email I receive, as well as the right to edit the contents of anything to be posted when necessary. 

Words of Encouragement and Advice

Salaam Alaikum, I wanted to congratulate you on your site...

What many people do not realize is that one in six people in the United States who are sexually active have been exposed to the Herpes Virus. Of course the designation of HSV 1 and HSV 2 are still in use, but a little outdated due to the substantial increase of HSV 1 infections below the waist and the HSV 2 infections above the waist. This is a result of changing practices between couples here in the United States...

As a nurse who works in women's health I see cases every day. What alot of women do not know is they can be carriers of HSV and not even know it. Many women think they just have a yeast infection or they may not know it at all since the lesions can appear inside the body where the woman cannot see or feel them... Men also sometimes can be unaware that they even have HSV infection. thinking it is "jock itch" or ingrown hairs etc... Also, there are people who maybe had one slight outbreak upon infection and never did again so they do not realize that they are infected.

There is some question if HSV can be also contracted through damp linens (towels etc) and surfaces. Since there are individuals who pick up the virus and do not know how or where they came into contact with it...

With Islam being the fastest growing religion here in the United States of course some converts will be affected with this virus. No one should have to suffer any stigma due to it. Many of those infected were either not informed by their partner or their partner had no idea they even had the virus to begin with... It's a virus pure and simple. Not a statement about one's character or behavior or morals or anything else.

Please keep your website up and active. InshAllah you are doing a great service to those Muslims out there who deserve to be happy just like their non-affected peers... - K.

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