Tackling Islamophobia at School

by Mutma'inaa


Has someone ever pulled your hijab at school? Called you Islamophobic names and taunts? Made you feel hurt and threatened about simply following your faith (Islam)?

If so, you�ve faced islamophobia. The above is just a brief idea of what Islamophobia involves, but it can range from physical abuse to just simple name-calling and abusive language.

If this is happening to you, then don�t allow it to continue. Your school actually has an legal obligation to take steps to protect you against ANY form of bullying of Islamophobia.

Everyone has the right to live without the fear of attack against themselves or their home and property because of their faith. Authorities like your school have a duty to protect you from Islamophobic (and racial) harassment and to take action against the attackers. Don't sit back and let it happen to you if it is. Take action.

Below is a list of possible steps you can take to combat Islamophobia at school, and what you can do to help foster a better understanding of Islam and Muslims there:

  1. Inform your teachers. If you feel threatened at school or were abused in any way, then don't brush it off, even if it may seem trivial to you. Report it to your teachers. This is one way in which the teachers can be made aware of what is occuring and insha'Allah take preventative measures against it. Supervision by teachers can be increased in the school, so that the teachers are more on the look-out for Islamophobia and tackling the culprits.

  2. Inform your parents. Your parents will have a stronger line in informing the teachers and the school into taking action to combat any Islamophobia that is occuring. Your parents only wish better for you, and will do their utmost to try and aid and better the situation for you.

  3. Write a good, formal letter to your headteacher about all the Islamophobia that you are receiving, compiling a list of possible point that the headtecher should take into account and what you think would better the situation, for both you, and future students, insha'Allah.
    Your parents can also write a letter to the school, to complain and inform the school what exactly is going on. The school will take a greater interest, especially if it is coming from a parent.

  4. There are quite a few Muslim teachers around, if there are any at your school, then confide in them, and insha'Allah explain to them your situation. Its possible that they'll have a better grounding since you'd have a teacher "on yr side"

  5. If you have a school newspaper, or magazine, then join it, and offer to write a good article on Islamophobia and its effects, trying to reach out to others, and explaining to them what the REAL Islam is about.

  6. If you can, ask your headtecher, or head of Year for you (or anyone else who is willing) to make an assembly on your faith, and the harassment that you are getting (ie racist, Islamophobic remarks). Otherwise a class presentation on Islam.
    In the assembly Explain what Islam is about, and Islamophobia. What the effects of it are; such as causing you sadness and frustration. Make others really REALISE what it is that Islamophobia is, and what it is doing to others.

  7. Complain to yr R.E. (religious Education) techer, telling him/her what your situation is like and to raise more awareness and understanding of people of other faiths. Learning about Islam (and other faiths) is part of the national Curriculum, so if they dont cover it properly, complain.

  8. Inform Muslim organisation about any Islamophobic acts in your school. it will be reported and recognised. This will give the Muslims a better understanding and awareness of the real level of Islamophobia that is occuring.

  9. If you see anyone else facing Islamophobia at your school, please tell someone about it. Help others to also help yourself. Try and foster and create a nice environment at school, where everyone if safe and free from harassment.

  10. Inform your friends about your situation and the troubles that you are facing. Inform them about Islamophobia so that they can be aware of it, as well as possibly combat it themselves if they ever witness it, or help you if you face Islamophobia. Others will then be able to challenge their friends who display Islamophobic behaviour as well.

  11. If it gets very bad, remember to write down and record a list of Islamophobic attacks that you face. This can be used as a record of evidence to show how you are suffering and have suffered at school, and the level at which you are suffering. Remember to record anyone who witnessed the Islamophobic actions and when and where.

  12. Try and foster greater understanding and awareness of Islam in your school. Suggest an "Islam Awareness Week", or possible topics of discussions or debates in class. Bring up Islam in conversations with your friends, and correct any misunderstandings and misinformation that may be floating around in other people's minds. Be critical with stereotypes of Muslims in films and TV programmes, and reject popular stereotype (ie that Islam is about terrorism, that muslim women are oppressed, etc).

  13. Suggest Islamic books to your school library, or give pamphlets on Islam. This will, insha'Allah create a greater awareness of what Islam is about, and with time, make way for a better school and society. When people are made aware and understand the differences, then it will be less likely that others in a similar situation to yourself will face Islamophobia.

  14. Don't leave school regreting what you could have done to try and tackle the issue of Islamophobia at school.


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