Waqfs or Continuous Charity

Abdul Wahid Hamid


One of the best ways of using excess income is to set up waqfs. These are charitable endowments or trusts which are set up for specific purposes.

This involves dedicating a sum of money or the proceeds from a business or rental income from property you own for a specific charitable purpose. These are waqfs for schools, libraries, hospitals, orphanages, masjids and their maintenance, hostels for travellers, the treatment of animals and many other charitable purposes.

Once money, land or building is given as waqf, it cannot be taken back. It is an endowment in perpetuity and the rewards from it are continuous, for the noble Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) has said:

"When a person dies, all his actions come to an end except in respect of three matters which he leaves behind: a continous charity; knowledge from which benefit could be derived; righteous offspring who pray for him."

The value of work, of seeking a livelihood, the attitude to wealth and its relation to the real purpose of life are all well caught in the fine balance and tension of the saying:

"Work for the world as if you will live forever;
And work for the eternal life as if you will die tomorrow."

If you could attain both the level of work and enjoyment and the level of God-consciousness and sacrifice which this saying summons you to, then you would have achieved fulfilment complete!


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