Chronology of Ramadan throughout History



Ramadan throughout history. A chronology of events:

  • 17 Ramadan of the second Hijra year: the Muslims achieved their first victory in the battle of Badr against the Quraish disbelievers.

  • Ramadan, the fifth Hijra year: preparations were made for the battle of the tunnel which took place in Shawwal of the same year.

  • Ramadan the 8th Hijra year: Prophet Muhammad conquered Makkah to which he returned again from Madinah.

  • Ramadan the 9th Hijra year: Tabuk battle began. In the same month, a delegation of dignitaries from the city of Taif visited the Prophet in Madinah and embraced Islam.

  • Ramadan the 10th Hijra year: Prophet Muhammad dispatched Caliph Ali Ibn Abi Talib at the head of an army to Yemen. The Yemeni tribe of Hamadan embraced Islam and joined the Muslim army.

  • Ramadan the 10th Hijra year: Abu Talib, Prophet Muhammad's uncle and his wife Khadija died.

  • Ramadan the 37th Hijra year: Abdullah Ibn Omar Ibn Al-Khatab died.

  • Ramadan the 43rd Hijra year: the death of Amr Ibn Al-As at 100 years.

  • Ramadan the 40th Hijra year: the assassination of Caliph Ali Ibn Abi Talib at the hands of Abdul Rahman Al-Muljam.

  • Ramadan 58th Hijra year: the death of Aisha, the wife of Prophet Muhammad and the daughter of Caliph Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq.

  • Ramadan the 65th Hijra year: Abdul Malik Ibn Marwan became the Caliph in the Umayyad reign.

  • Ramadan 93rd Hijra year: Tariq Ibn Ziyad conquered Andalusia in a decisive battle against King Rodrick.

  • Ramadan 222H Hijra: the Abbassid Caliph Al-Mustassim conquered Ommuriyah.

  • Ramadan 222H Hijra: the Muslims conquered the city of Babik Al-Kharmi.

  • Ramadan 264H Hijra: the Muslims opened the city of Sargosa in Sicily.

  • Ramadan 286H Hijra: the Fatimite Caliph al-Muiz Li Deen died in Cairo. He was the Muslim leader who opened Egypt and established the Fathimite rule.

  • Ramadan 361H Hijra: Al-Azhar was built in Egypt.

  • Ramadan 414H Hijra: Abdul Rahman Ibn Hisham was appointed Caliph in Cordoba. He was only 23 years old.

  • Ramadan 584H Hijra: Salahuddin Al-Ayyubi regained most of the lands confiscated by the Crusaders. His aides advised him to take rest during this month of Ramadan but he refused and said, "life was short and fate was unkown."

  • Ramadan 627H Hijra: Muslims defeated the Mongols at the battle of Bin Jalout in Palestine.

  • Ramadan 666H Hijra: Alzahir Baibars opened Antakiya in Syria.

  • Ramadan 845H Hijra: the death of Ahmad Ibn Ali Ibn Abdul Qadir Al-Migrizi, the famous Islamic historian.

  • Ramadan 1121H Hijra: the naval battle between the Omanese and the Portugese. The Arab fleet retreated to Ras Al-Khima.

  • Ramadan 1229H Hijra: the Egyptians occupied the island of Crete.

  • Ramadan 1265H Hijra: Muhammad Ali Pasha Al-Kabeer, the ruler of Egypt, died.

  • Ramadan 1275H Hijra: Work had started on the digging of the Suez Canal.

  • Ramadan 1392H Hijra: the October war between the Arabs and Israel.


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