Turn to Allah

[Shaykh Aaid Al-Qarni]


"O you who believe! Seek help in patience and the Prayer."
[Surah al-Baqarah; 2:153.]

If you are beset with fear and anxieties, stand up on such occasions and pray: your soul will find comfort and solace. The prayer - as long as you perform it sincerely with a wakeful heart - is guaranteed to have this effect on you.

Whenever the Prophet was afflicted with hardship, he would say:
'O Bilal! Give us comfort and call for the prayer.'

The prayer was his joy and pleasure; it was the delight of his eye. I have read biographies of many righteous people, people who would singularly turn to prayer when they were surrounded by difficulties and hardship, people who would pray until their strength, will, and resolution returned to them.

This generation, which is raged by psychological sicknesses, must return to the Mosque, prostrating and seeking Allah�s pleasure. If we do not do this, tears will burn our eyes and grief will destroy our nerves.

By earnestly performing the five daily (obligatory) prayers, we achieve the greatest of blessings: atonement for our sins and an increase in rank with our Lord. Prayer is also a potent remedy for our sicknesses, for it instils faith into our souls. As for those that keep away from the Mosque, away from prayer, for them is unhappiness, wretchedness, and an embittered life.
"For them is destruction, and Allah will make their deeds vain."
[Surah Muhammad � Ayah 8.]

By leaving your affairs to Allah, by depending upon Him, by trusting in His promise, by being pleased with His decree, by thinking favourably of Him, and by waiting patiently for His help, you reap some of the greater fruits of faith and display the more prominent characteristics of the believer. When you incorporate these qualities into your character, you will be at peace concerning the future, because you will depend on your Lord for everything. As a result, you will find care, help, protection, and victory.

When Prophet Ibrahim (alayhis salam) was thrown into the fire, he said, "Allah (Alone) is Sufficient for us, and He is the Best Disposer of affairs (for us)." Thereupon, Allah made the fire to be cool, safe, and peaceful for Ibraheem. When the Prophet Muhammad and his Companions (radiAllahu anhum) were threatened by the impending attack of the enemy, they said:
"Allah [Alone] is Sufficient for us, and He is the Best Disposer of affairs [for us]. So they returned with Grace and Bounty from Allah. No harm touched them; and they followed the good Pleasure of Allah. And Allah is the Owner of Great Bounty."
[Surah ali-Imran; 3:174.]

No person by himself is capable of fighting against the current of misfortune, nor can he fend off the blows of disaster when they strike. This is because man was created weak and fragile. However, when in times of difficulty, the believer places his dependency and trust with his Lord; he knows that all difficulties can be overcome.
"And put your trust in Allah if you are believers indeed."
[Surah Al-Ma�idah � Ayah 23.]

O you who wish to be sincere to yourselves: depend upon the All- Mighty, the All-Rich to save you from calamity and disaster. Live your lives according to this precept: Allah Alone is sufficient for us, and He is the Best Disposer of our affairs.
If you have meagre means, if you are deep in debt, or if you are in any kind of worldly difficulty, call out: Allah Alone is sufficient for us, and He is the Best Disposer of our affairs.

If you face your enemy and are alarmed, or if you fear the misdeeds of the oppressor, say aloud: Allah Alone is sufficient for us, and He is the Best Disposer of our affairs.

"But Sufficient is your Lord as a Guide and Helper."
[Surah Al-Furqan � Ayah 31.]


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