Other Poems

You are a Muslim

Rock a bye Baby

Your cradle is green

You are a Muslim

And Islam's your Deen

Allah's the Lord

His word is Qur'an

Muhammad His Prophet

Last Messenger to man.

Silver Star
Based on Twinkle Twinkle little star

Brightly shining silver star

Who has made you as you are?

Sparkling over land and sea

High above the highest tree.

Allah created you,

And He created me.

In truth and so perfectly.

My Mum

I love my Mum

My Mum loves me

Loving and caring

Is her speciality

She prays to Allah

For the ummah's health

Reading the Qur'an

Before I sleep.

I love my Mum,

My Mum loves me,

So Thank you Allah

She does a lot for me.

[As featured in 'The Muslim Weekly' Newspaper]

This Little Muslim went to Masjid
(Based on poem 'This little piggy went to market')

This little Muslim went to Masjid,

This little Muslim went to Madressah,

This little Muslim prayed his salah,

This little Muslim said 'Bismillah' when eating,

This little Muslim said 'Alhamdulilah' when done,

And this little Muslim said 'La ilaha ilAllah' all the way home.

One Little Muslim
(to the tune of 'One little finger' Parents can do the actions
with the child as well)

One little Muslim
One little,
two little,
three little muslims,
four little,
five little,
six little muslims,
seven little,
eight little,
nine little muslims,
10 little muslims praying.

Eid ul Fitr

Eid-ul-Fitr is on the first of Shawaal
It is to thank Allah for the gift of Ramadan
The poor are not be forgotten
Give Fitra before Eid salah
Wear your nicest clothes
Visit family, friends and the graveyard!


by Idreece, aged 10, from Coventry, England.

H ouse of Allah,is the ka'bah.
A llah is only one.
J amrat al aqabah and jamrat al kubra
J ust are none.

Allah sent a messenger
Lailaha illallah.

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