The Benefits from Olives

[by Mutmainaa - 07/02/03]


use olive oil and anoint yourself with it, because it is �from a blessed tree� (24:35)

- Muhammad



Listed below are some common problems and ailments which can easily be cured from the use of Olives:


Apply olive oil on scalp, it also grows the hair and checks the loss of hair


Eat pickles prepared from olives

For chronic cases take 25ml of olive oil mixed with 250ml barley water


Apply a combination of normal saline and olive oil

Skin - Boils, rashes, ulcers, itching

Apply olive oil or the water extracted from the crushed olive oil leaves locally


Use olive oil for massage

Mouth/lip ulcers

Soak olive leaves in water and use as rinse

[ Still under construction! Will be updated soon inshaAllah ]



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