Islamic Concept of Sexuality

Shahid Athar, M.D.


Islam recognizes the power of sexual need, and the subject is discussed in Qur'an and the saying of Prophet Muhammad (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) in a serious manner, in context with the marital life and family life.

Islam does not consider women (or men) an object of sexual pleasure but with a legal frame work of relationship fulfilling the will of God. While the sex outside marriage is a punishable sin, sex with one's spouse is an act of worship.

The Islamic laws regarding sex are fixed and do not change with peer pressure or changing values of society. Virginity at the time of marriage is considered a virtue in Islamic morality, but a disadvantage in the West. No wonder less than 10% of American brides are virgin.

Creation, Reproduction And Sex in The Qur'an

"Did We not create you from a sticky fluid?, Which We laid up in a safe abode, for a known term. Thus We arranged, how excellent is Our arrangement".

"So let man consider from what he is created. From a gushing fluid that issues between the lion and the ribs.

"Verily We created man from a product of wet earth, then placed him in a drop in a safe lodging, then We fashioned the clot into a little lump, then We fashioned the lump into bones, then We clothed the bones with flesh, and then produced it as another creation. So blessed be Allah, the best of creators".

Commentary: The seminal fluid has all the ingredients (protein, carbohydrate, minerals) as earth has. The order of embryology given 1400 years ago when no microscope, X-ray of ultrasound were available is the same as discovered now. Western scientists recognized sperm in 17th century and thought it to be a miniature pre-formed man".

"Your women are a tilth for you, so enjoy your tilth the way you wish, and make an introduction to yourself.

Prophet Muhammad (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said:

  1. "When one of you have sex with your wife it is a rewardable act of charity". The companions were surprised and asked, "but we do it out of our desire, how can it be counted as a charity?". The Prophet replied "if you had done with a forbidden women, it would have been counted as a sin, but if you do it in legitimacy it is counted as a charity?".

  2. "Let not the one of you fall upon his wife like a beast falls. It is more appropriate to send a message before the act".

  3. "Do not divulge secrets of your sex with your wife to another person, nor describe her physical feature to anyone".

Concept of Adultery (Fornication or Zina) in Islam

Allah says in Qur'an:

"Do not come near to adultery. Surely it is a shameful deed and Evil, opening roads to another evils".

"Say: Verily, my Lord has prohibited the shameful deeds, be it open or secret, sins and trespasses against the truth and reasons".

"Women impure are for men impure, and men impure are for women impure and women of purity are for men of purity, and men of purity are for women of purity".

Prophet Muhammad (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) has said on many places against adultery as one of the three major sins. However the most interesting story is that of a younger man, who came to him and asked his permission for fornication, since he could not control himself.
The Prophet dealt with him with reasoning and asked him if he will approve of someone else doing illegal sex with his mother, sister, daughter or wife. Each time the man said 'no' then the Prophet replied that the woman with whom you plan to have sex could also be somebody's mother, sister, daughter or wife. The man understood and repented. The Prophet prayed for his forgiveness.

Adultery is a crime not against one person but against the whole society. It is a violation of marital contract. 50% of all first time marriages in this country (United States) result in divorce in 2 years, and the main reason for divorce is extra-marital affairs of either husband or wife.

Adultery which includes both pre-marital and extramarital sex is an epidemic in this society. Nobody seems to listen to the Bible which says frequently "Thou shalt not do adultery".

The Qur'anic approach "Do not approach adultery" is more sensible. What it means that not only illegal sex is prohibited, but anything which leads to illegal sex is also illegal. These things include dating, free mixing of sex, provocative dress, nudity, obscenity and pornography. The dress code both for men and women is to protect them from temptation and desires by onlookers who may lose self control and fall into sin.

"Say to the believing men, that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that will make for greater purity, and God is well acquainted with all they do". "And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty. ..".


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