Food - the Ni'mah from Allah


And the fruits of date palm and grapes you get wholesome drink and nutrition: Behold in this is a sign for those who are wise."

In His infinite Mercy and Wisdom, Allah Ta'ala has decorated the earth with many different foods; in all tastes, colours and sizes. Each fruit or vegetable containing something, which together gives all that man requires to take care of his physical and mental body in the right and wholesome manner.
Nature is bursting with foods which have their own healing and nourishing remedies for us to make use of. It is a saddening realisation that we do not make use of the beautiful gifts bestowed upon us; not only as a source of food, but as a source to nourish, strengthen, heal ourselves, and allieviate illnesses.

The most complete system of "natural medicine" ever devised has been extant for over 1400 years, presented in the fullest and miraculous order of Divine Commands from Allah Ta'ala, and lived out in example by the most profound human being in history - Muhammad

So we have learned from the hadith of the Prophet , "We did not send down any disease, unless we have sent down the remedy with it." Medical practice today has changed from a reliance on foods and plants from nature to a heavy reliance on synthetic medicines. Perhaps one should turn to Allah, Ash Shifaa' (The Healer) for the infallible remedy and vital prescriptions for our time.

What is needed today, more than all the advancements of science perhaps, is a return to the simple, eternal laws for living, as shown in the way of life of Islam. Resurrection of our health, of body, mind and soul, utilising the medical traditions of Islam, as shown by the light of Islam the Prophet Muhammad , is the true need for the salvation of the plagues which now disturb the souls of men.

In summary our healthy body is a gift from Allah Ta'ala, we are its trustees, so we should not misuse it. Make use of that which is a ni'mah of Allah.


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